Both grounded

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Ruv: "y/n?....u too?"

Y/n: "......"

Ruv grabs Selever and me by the hand and drags us in the house where Sarv scolds us both "and u too y/n? Really Selever? Dragging her into this?" Sarv says while gently

hitting me and Selever on the head with a cross, rasazy walks in and giggles a bit "seriously? u 2 are more childish then me!" Rasazy says while smirking a bit at me and  Selevers annoyed expressions.

Ofter that Sarv tries to convince Ruv that it isn't that big of a deal but Ruv insists we should inform my parents so they take me home to my parents, while we walk to the door and get

ready to knock Selever whispers to me real quick "shit Roachy....this isn't gonna end well...dont worry, I'll get u out the house somehow.." Ofter saying that Selever knocks on

the door and my mom answers the door "oh hey Selever sweetie! Do u need anything?-" my mom says cheerfully and then notices me behind Selever "huh? Y/n? Did

something happen?" My mom says concerned "u 2 look stressed-" before my mom could finish Selevers mom, Sarv, came up to my mom and explained everything to her

while me and Selever just stood there saying our prayers. Ofter Sarv finished talking to my mom Selever and his parents left and went home, Selever and i looks at each

other for a bit before we both entered our homes, oh got don't get me started with the scolding and the questions the second I entered my house.......ofter all of my moms

scolding my father slaps me and says "young lady go to your room! I'm very disappointed in u." I look at hem for a few seconds then run in my room shutting the door

loudly and locking it "..shit.." I mumble under my breath
"Disappointed huh?" I say while not being able to control my tears and start crying

(Also Sarv and Y/N'S mom are bffs, Y/n and Selever grew up together literally, y/n's home is Selevers home and Selevers home is y/ns home too)

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