Everyday Mornings

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Y/n's POV: [Y/n = your name]

U wake up. Another morning of school "uuughh.." U think to yourself as u struggle to get up, u were so tired u barely put your school uniform on right, your tie was messy and

so was your hair, but u didint give a fuck since u were so tired. U get your bag and tell you parent good bye. As you walk outside u see your neighbor's house, Selevers house.

You hear a very loud noise coming from his house, and well...since u didn't give 2 fucks about if u could go in or not u just go in his house to see if he's good and to find out

from where that loud noise was coming from, u enter Selevers house just to find ya homie Selever watching his parents rap battle, u just stand there next to hem as both of u watch Ruv and Sarv rap battle

Y/n: "........."

Selever: "..."

then u grab Selever by the shoulder and u slowly back up dragging Selever with you out of the house

Y/n: "aaanyway"

Selever: "oh hey Roachy!"

Oh yeah! Heh! 'Roachy'! Selevers classic nick name for u!!

Y/n: "hey Sel...c'mon let's go to class-"

U check the time just to see its 8:54!? WHAT?! U WERE SUPPOSED TO BE AT SCHOOL IN CLASS 2 HOURS AGO!!!! "Fuck!" U shout as u grab Selever by the hand and start

running "WOAH?! HEY BITCH WHAT THE FUCK ARE U DOING CHILL OUT!!!" Selever says as u start dragging hem to school  running as fast as u can "We're SO FUCKED !!"

u reply with a terrified look on your face as your teacher isnt exactly the nicest teacher out there.....lets just say...if u did anything wrong you'd get your wrists awfully brused..

Children of MemoriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora