Part 1

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Justus and Khoury are just your normal teenagers, horny and stupid. They've been friends since 6th grade. At a young age Justus had been the one to lead the pair on their adventures and experiments. Khoury had just mindlessly followed, always admiring the boy infront of him.

As soon as middle school had started everything started changing. They were still friends but Khourys feelings had unraveled into something...much more.

Years have past, they both are now 2nd years in High School and Khoury has finally admitted to himself that he has feelings toward Justus.


Khoury sprung up from his pillow panting. With sweat rolling down is face he looked at his phone for the time. 4:23 AM. Sighing, he threw his phone to the foot of his bed as he laid back down. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the tent in his covers. Not again....

This has been about the 8 hundredth time he's woken up to a boner. He always blames it on his hormones but he knows the true reason why. Justus. His best friend. He keeps appearing in his dreams

He stretches out his left hand to grab for his phone as he uses his right hand to grab ahold of his manhood.

Turing his phone on was almost blinding. There on his lock screen there was a photo of Justus' mother, Justus, himself, and then his own mother. He took a moment to himself as he stared at Justus' sexy smirk. His eyes practically piercing into his own.

After his little special moment he comes to the realization about the precum in his pants from his dream earlier. It's cold but at least it's not dry. Khoury starts pulling his boxers off carefully trying to leave as much precum on his cock as he could. Through little pants he successfully got them off, putting them to the side.

He used his thumb to slowly yet roughly tease his tip, his precum making it easier for him to rub. He started letting out a couple of quiet moans. His hand lowered to his length, jerking it off.

As his hand moved up and down he started imagining Justus just staring right at him from the foot of his bed. Khoury got warmer.

"Oh my~ Look at how hard you're pounding that small thing~"

Khoury blushed harder than he already was, panting even harder and his moans getting louder.

Justus moved from the foot of Khourys bed over to Khourys side.

"Keep going....don't stop."

Khoury swallowed hard as he started moving his hand quicker and faster. Using his other hand he leaned back for support. The illusion of Justus adjusted himself next to Khoury. He put his hand over the other males hand that was on his cock. Khoury moved slower as to see what he was doing.

Justus gripped his hand tighter around Khourys. His let out a low laugh before saying,

"Who said you could slow down?~"

Out of no where the bigger male starting moving both of their hands at an insane speed.

Khoury ley out multiple moans. He tried not too but the pleasure was overpowering.


Justus only continued.

Khourys cock started twitching and his toes started curling as his body got even warmer than before.


His cum shot out in streams as he let out more moans. It was a mess.

Panting, he turned his head to face Justus. Just as sudden as he had appeared, he was gone. He reached out for his phone with his shaky hand that wasn't covered in his own semen to check the time. 4:46 AM. Time to clean up...its going to be a long day.

words: 628

A/N: I'll try to upload part 2 as soon as I can but thank you for reading!♡♡

🔞Am I Gay? (Khoury x Justus fanfic)🔞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang