‘TOP we both know the truth, you’re not into girls and you’re not interested with anyone... so why not give the pretty lady to me, she seems precious to you though,’ he said making TOP’s patience as thin as his hair strands. Bom was just glancing back and forth at TOP and at the ugly guy who was talking to him, confused on what the hell they were talking about.

Yah Bom unnie Mike he is not ugly bit─

Ani! I didn’t say anything. I’m nothing but an angel and Mike He is not ugly. Bish.

‘She is my girlfriend can you just fuck off,’ TOP hissed trying to be composed or else even the presence of their business partners and even his father won’t save his fucking ass. Mike raised his brow. ‘Really?’ he asked mocking. ‘Yes,’ he hissed as the latter shrug finally snapping his patience. TOP quickly shifted his body facing Bom as he cupped her face and claimed her lips. Bom stood shock and frozen at TOP’s sudden move and when she finally recovered she cupped TOP’s face and pulled him more which shock him. It was supposed to be a quick kiss, just a peck even but now he can’t almost move as Bom was holding him and kissing him and what was surprising he was responding to her kiss. And there they were standing in the club in front of her bastard friend who was claiming to be his rival, locking lips. It was not your ordinary kiss, it was torrid, deep and was deepening each seconds.

Both pulled away from the intense kiss gasping for air as TOP wrapped his arm around Bom’s waist. He brushed his thumb in the corner of her lips wiping the lipstick that was smudge because of their shared kiss. He looked at Mike with an arrogant smirk painted on his still swollen lips. ‘What else do you want?’ he asked as he turned his back from him hanging his arm around Bom’s shoulder as they walk to their seat. But before they could even reach their seat Bom jogged back to Mike.

‘I don’t know what you said or what you did but thank you,’ she giggled as she tiptoed and gave him a quick peck on his cheeks. ‘Ahmm... you’re welcome?’ he said in Korean using a voice full of doubt. ‘Thanks again,’ she said as she dashed back to their table where a fuming TOP was waiting.

‘I SWEAR WHEN WE GOT OUT OF HERE I’M GOING TO RIP YOU IN PIECES YOU UGLY PIG,’ TOP gritted as she stuck her tongue at him while taking her seat. ‘You’ll never ruin my mood you cutie pie,’ she smiled at him as TOP rolled his eyes slumping himself on the black couch. ‘He kissed me~! TOP kissed me~! It was a kiss~! A kiss! Kiss! Kiss! TOP kissed me~!’ Bom started singing as she grabbed the bottle of tequila and pour some on her shot glass and lifted it proposing a toss as TOP rolled his eyes massaging his throbbing temples thanks to one stupid girl we will call Park Bom. Bom shrugged at him as she brought the shot glass close to her lips and was prepared to drink it only to be stop by him.

‘Oh no you’re not drinking! Stop giving me headache!’ he said frustrated. ‘I can handle myself!’ she fired back as she quickly drunk the tequila. She tightly shut her eyes as she felt the burning trails that the hard liquor left in her throat. ‘Park Bom,’ he warned. ‘Shh... I can handle myself,’ she said like cooing a child. He opened his mouth to fire back only to be stop by her. ‘I can really handle myself mom,’ she said giggling as TOP shook his head giving up on her.

20 minutes passed after she assured her of handling herself, yes please take note of the 20 minutes. She was now glowing red, swerving, with droopy eyes and incoherent words coming straight from her mouth. And to be honest it was more than tempting for him to beat her to death for her arrogance about handling herself when she can’t barely stand up right now and if she suddenly threw up heaven forbid but he’ll make sure she will never see the sunrise.

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