'Comeback here Choi Seunghyun!!!' she shouted as she snapped her head to their maids. She marched her way to them, eyes slitting. 'Tell me where he is going!!!' she burst as the maid hugged each other as they shrink in front of her who was about to transform into some gigantic creature with fangs ready to rip their limbs off. 'Do you want me to cook all of you!!??' Bom shouted as the maids ran their asses away from her.


TOP walked his way to a table as he sat down and glanced at his wrist watch he was in Taipei as his father asked him to try taking part of their business. His father never really demand anything from him, probably this was the first time that's why he can't say no to him. He let out a sigh as he leaned lazily on his chair. If you're going to ask him, he doesn't dream of taking over their company although he can feel that he will be doing that soon since he don't have any choice. He grabbed his phone as it vibrated. A smile curved in his lips as he saw Dara's name. Ah, he missed her so much that he was even willing to fly back to Korea right now just to see her if only she ask.

'Tabi!' she greeted and he can imagine her face as she do that, he let out a small chuckle. 'Where are you!? I went to your house but they said you're not in the country as of this moment,' she said. 'Well I'm on a business trip courtesy of my dad. I'm in Taipei,' he answered smiling. He doesn't get it but he can't help not to smile even though he was only hearing her voice. 'Ohh,' she answered.

'Too bad I am going to say something to you,' she said clicking her tongue. 'I will just tell it when you come back! Be safe okay?' she added. He nodded but then let out soft chuckle at his stupidity. 'Sure, I'll be waiting. I miss you by the way,' he said as the girl laugh on the other line. 'Who wouldn't miss me?' she said full of arrogance. TOP rolled his eyes. 'Yeah right whatever,' he sarcastically answered. 'Bye now!' Dara said and he could say that someone arrived. He clenched his jaw tightly no need to be a genius it was of course her boyfriend Kwon Jiyong. 'Bye,' he weakly said as he pressed the end button and began drowning in his own thoughts.

He was taken from his realm when the one he was waiting for arrived. She was a beatiful lady dressed in an elegant beautiful dress. She smiled at him. 'You're Choi Seunghyun right?' he asked in Chinese. TOP stood up and bowed down. 'Yes, I'm Choi Seunghyun,' he smiled answering in Chinese as well. He then pulled the chair for her to sit on; she smiled giddily at his moves. TOP then sat back down. 'Sorry if I made you wait,' she bowed at him, guilty. 'No it's okay I just arrived,' he smiled. 'Wow, your Chinese is really good,' she complimented. 'Thank you,' he answered still with a smile. 'I'm Yang Rainie by the way,' she said as she offered her hand. 'Nice to finally meet the daughter of our main partner here in Taipei,' he said as he held her hand and shook it gently.

Bom was hair thin close to ripping the table cloth or maybe throw the whole table as well as she stared at TOP and the girl talking to each other COMFORTABLY and yes put emphasis on COMFORTABLY while they were waiting for their order. Bom unconsciously grabbed her glass of ice tea, she was gripping it tightly that I would never be shock if it broke into pieces. And yes people, Park Bom is in Taipei. How? Don't be harsh do you really want me to tell you the story on how this girl crushed Choi's maids into pieces? How she tortured them? How she inflicted every possible pain? No right? Please bow down your head and give moment of silence in honor for the bravery that the Choi's maids. We will never forget their bravery.

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