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Author's Note: wankmaster made me this amazing cover. I love it. thank you again! There's probably spelling mistakes, so sorry about that.

Comment please!

Harry's POV

I smirked and stood in front of Niall's door, giving it a small knock. I expected him to be awake because of how early it is.

"Mum?" His raspy voice was barely audible even in his quiet house. His parents had surprisingly given me permission to come talk to him. Maura seemed to be in a really good mood. Perhaps, she was too dazed to give my appearance a second thought.

"Guess again, baby boy." I bit my lip, trying to hide my smirk. The door in front of me slowly opened and revealed a tiny, tired Niall. Instantly, I pulled him closer to me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He muttered into my chest. I chuckled.

"Nice to see you too, sunshine. Have you been sleeping?"

"I was about to until you kept me from it. Did my mother really let you in here?" Niall questioned as I pushed his bangs off his face and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Yes, she really did. I don't think your mum realized who I was."

"Interesting.." He tilted his head up and intently gazed at me. It made me wonder what was going on in his pretty little head. "You know, Harry-"

Never mind, I'd rather kiss him. I took his lips into my own before he had a chance to finish his own sentence. I felt him sigh and move his lips against mine. You'd think you would eventually get tired of kissing the same person over and over, but for some reason, that isn't the case.

"Stop distracting me with your kissing, you jerk." Niall playfully mumbled against my lips.

"You're grumpy when you don't get your sleep," I noted, trailing my hands down his frail body, stopping at his waist before closing the door behind us.

"Well, wouldn't you be?" He asked. "But seriously, why are you here? I already told you that I'd speak with you Thursday about..whatever."

"I know, baby. When I came here, I wasn't exactly planning on talking.." I gave his bum a squeeze and he gasped, causing me to chuckle.

"No! My parents are right out there. They can hear you!"

"So? I don't care, though I wish you would have decided to come to my place because you can be as loud as you want there, baby boy." My nose slowly skimmed his reddening cheeks. Niall sighed.

"You should go home. I don't want to do anything before we talk about us. I'm sorry, Harry."

"Nothing? This is very unlike you, Niall. Perhaps, we do have something serious to talk about on Thursday." I gazed into his sad eyes, leaning forward to press my forehead against his.


"Are you sure? I can do anything that you want, babe. Anything." He shook his head.

"I'm sure. I've got school tomorrow, so I need to rest. But, you can still kiss me." I chuckled and pulled him in for one last kiss before we bid our goodbyes. Damn him for not being easily distracted.

Niall's POV

Zayn and I walked through campus, destined for our first class - History. It wasn't the most interesting class on my schedule, but the teacher was amazing.

"You're unusually quiet," Zayn noted, walking and studying his notes from yesterday's lesson.

"I know. I've just been thinking a lot. Like, sometimes I don't even realize I'm in deep thought until someone brings me out of it." I shrugged.

"Thinking about..?"


"Oh. Something happen?" He questioned, stuffing his notes back into his pocket. "I know how it feels, mate. Liam and I have hit those rough paths. It'll all be over soon."

"Well, I don't really know. I think it's something I said that offended him. He can literally be so confusing sometimes! I swear to God.." I groaned. "And, this relationship is too much. The media is targeting me, so I'm sure someone is going to say something again today."

"Do you want to end things with him?" My throat felt dry. I hadn't really thought about going that far.

"No. Of course not. Not so soon." I immediately replied.

"Okay, then I am sure you're fine." Zayn looked over at me and smiled. Before we knew it, we were walking into History class and taking a seat in the middle row. I wasn't a fan of the front or back, so the middle suited me quiet well.

"Mr. Horan, Mr. Malik," Mrs. Underwood greeted us with a bright, energetic smile like she did every time we stepped into class. "It's nice to see you again. Class starts in ten, you're early as usual."

"Hey, Mrs. U." I smiled back and pulled my binder out of my backpack. There wasn't anyone else in the room, and I was so, so thankful. I wasn't exactly ready for them to mess with me.

Much to my dismay, a couple students arrived four minutes later. However, they didn't bother me. The only person who really gives me shit for it is Louis Tomlinson. Louis fucking Tomlinson.

Maybe he got a rare disease and can't make it today, or maybe he was hit by a bus. No! Maybe he-

"Hey Niall," A high pitched voice pierced my ear. Fuck. He didn't get hurt, and perhaps it was low of me to wish that he did.

"Hi Louis." I muttered.

"So, I saw your picture on an online article. Didn't know you were sixteen and dating a fifty year old." When I looked I looked up at him, he had a smirk on his face.

"Well, did you know that you are a bitch?" I spat, Zayn nudged me hard in the side with elbow. "What I meant to say was.. Never mind. I don't have anything else."

"A bitch? At least I'm not feeding off of a rich guy like you are." Louis chuckled.

I pressed my teeth together. "But, aren't you feeding off on someone? Didn't you suck Mr. Taylor's dick to pass a test?" I watched with glee as Louis turned around and stumped off to his seat.

"Zero to hundred, Niall," Zayn mumbled beside me. "Zero to hundred."

Author's Note: I'm sORRY I had to make Louis the bad guy. I'll make up for it.

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