She wiped her tears as she let out a bitter chuckle. ' Oppa, I told you before that I will find a man that is much better than you right? ' she asked as she glance at him. Jiyong nodded as he squeezed her hands. ' He is not better than you, he will be nothing compare to you but he will always be the man I wanted to spend hours talking with in the phone, chatting with. The man I wanted to laugh with... to talk to... to eat with... He will always be the man I wanted to marry and have family with. I love him so much, that I was hurting that he was hurting. He was waiting for me, he was waiting for me! But I just broke my promise! ' 

Chaerin finally breakdown as her cry turned into loud weeps. She was crying her everything out, the pain that were left unspoken. She was crying the pain of being held by the chains that her parents tied at her. She was crying that up until now she's nothing but a weak person, a person who can't even find her guts to shout the one she really love. 

And Jiyong can't do anything but watch her, hear her cries and curse in his mind. His grip of the wheel tightened as he feel pain for his friend. As he felt the painful mixture of guilt, pity and love in his chest. 

He wasn't able to pull the reason from her but it's enough to know that she didn't wanted what is going on. It's enough that he knew he was not the only one in pain. What he heard was enough for him to finally do his move and turn around the table. 


It was almost 12 in the midnight and the wind is getting colder by seconds but then you can find two figure in the park. Bom was sitting on the swing while TOP was leaning on its metal pole. The two are still laughing at the stupidest joke that Bom threw in her whole life. Both are drunk. ' Gah! I didn't know you're quite a drinker, ' TOP grinned as he took another sip on the sports drink that he bought with her on the convenient store a while ago. ' Don't judge the book by it's cover. I may look innocent but I love alcohol, ' Bom giggled as she lightly blew on the coffee she was holding. 

When the group decided to go home the two stayed for a while and continued their one on one drinking session. ' Ahh, it's getting cold, ' Bom sighed as she gazed at the stars above. TOP just chuckled as he placed his drink on the top of a wooden table near them. He then removed his black leather jacket and placed it on Bom. Bom smile inwardly to her self. He can really be a gentleman. You just need the to press the right buttons at the right time. Especially TOP is one weird individual. ' Thank you, ' she smiled at him which he returned with a smirk. 

There was a long paused between the two of them as they both stared at the beautiful sky. Then there was a shooting star that passed which made Bom excited that she jump out of her seat good thing the hot coffee didn't spill on her. But then she forgot she's on a high heels which made her lost her balance. Good thing TOP was able to wrapped his arm on her. ' Be careful, you're drunk, ' TOP whispered on her ears. That she can practically feel his breath touching her ears. She can even smell it, it smell alcohol and sports drink but it was a fragrance she'll be looking for the rest of her life. She was red and she can feel that air is leaving her body. 

She then fixed herself and sat down as she took a sip on her half cup of coffee, which spilled a while ago. Then a long paused began again. ' I'm just wondering, ' TOP broke the silence. Bom stared at him but he remained staring at the sky while drinking from the bottle. ' Why did you gave up on Kwon? ' he asked still not looking at her. ' Girls who give up are no cool, ' he smirk at her which made her grimace. 

' I didn't give up on him okay, ' Bom said as he took a sip on her cup of coffee. ' I never fight for him in the first place anyway, ' she added smiling at him making him shook his head. ' You don't really love him and everything was just for a show? ' he asked making Bom shook her head lightly as she stared at the sky. 

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