Dara tilted her head trying to process Bom's words once more. After her words finally sunk in, in her mind once more she let out an embarassed chuckle. ' Bom I thought you really love Jiyong! ' Dara laughed heartly. ' I thought too... ' Bom smiled. ' Huh?! ' Dara uttered in shock. ' What do you mean? ' Dara added out of curiousity.

' Let's just say someone unconsciously taught me what's the difference between love and admiration, ' Bom grinned making Dara raise on of her brows. ' Who's that someone? ' Dara asked wiggling her brows. Bom just rolled her eyes before letting out a soft chuckle. 

' Oh please enough with these! Just spend your day with your love! Don't waste his two million! ' Bom laughed heartly making Dara frown upon remembering Jiyong waste 2 damn million on the stupid aunction. ' Let's go and meet the buyer shall we? ' Bom chuckled. Dara just hissed as she spurts another set of curses.


' Hey guys! ' Bom happily greeted as she drag the super unwilling Goddess D with her. They were staring at her like she's gone mad or something. ' A-are you okay Bom noona? ' Seung Ri asked in a worried tone. ' Of course I am! Why wouldn't I? ' Bom giggled. ' Yah! Yah! Fairytale freak finally lost her mind!! ' TOP shouted as he pointed her accussingly. Bom just rolled her eyes.

' Okay to give you all your peace, I'm not angry! Plus I knew that Dara and Oppa are dating even from the start! ' Bom breathed out disbelievingly. ' EhhhHH!! ' the boys exclaimed while staring at her in disbelief. ' Gah! You should all know how obvious you are! ' Bom grinned at them making them scowled. All their efforts are completely wasted by the bubbly girl who goes by the name Bom. 

' Bom here's the payment, ' Jiyong interupted while handing Bom a black briefcase. ' Wow! Thanks don't worry this will go to charity! In case you wanna know, the beneficiary is one of Choi's hospital. You know, the children hospital for those who have cancer in such early age, ' Bom happily explained as she grabbed the case. ' I'm glad it will be use for a good deed, ' Jiyong smiled.

' Oh! Before we forgot, here's  the item you bought! A day with Dara! ' Bom beamed brightly as she shoved Dara to Jiyong who just cursed her loudly. Dara swallowed the lump on her throat upon seeing Jiyong's smile. Believe her, Jiyong may look all goody goody and angel outside but he's burning mad inside and Dara can completely feel that in every fiber in her body. Oh boy! Trouble is about to errupt. 

' Jagiya, you're unexpectedly quiet today, ' Jiyong whispered making Dara jump a bit. ' You're just deaf moron, ' Dara forced a laugh. ' And you should have never waste 2 damn million over this stupid aunction, ' Dara gritted as she glared at him. But then she was taken aback when Jiyong's expression turned dark. ' And what let that asshole named Hyunseung spend a day with you? Is that what you want? ' he asked in an angry whisper. Dara cringed as she took a step backward, ' No, I'm just saying you should not spend ridiculous amount on me, ' she shrieked. 

Then Jiyong's expression turned soft as he caressed Dara's face. ' Baby girl, let's not argue and don't you remind me about that moron okay? Let's just spend the festival together after all that's the reason why I spend TWO MILLION, ' Jiyong grinned at her making her scowled. Then Jiyong turned to their friends with a smile. ' We'll get going now, ' he said as he wrapped his arm on his girlfriend. They both turned around with Dara still showering him with angry words as they walked away from them. 

Seung Ri and Daesung both let go a sigh of relief. ' Seung Ri and Daesung I'll think about your punishment please be prepared, ' Jiyong suddenly turned to them wearing an innocent smiled. Both Seung Ri and Daesung screamed like a girl upon hearing their hyung's warning. ' We will also think of your punishment, ' TOP darkly mumbled making them flinched. You should have seen the horror in both Daesung and Seung Ri's face, it was priceless. 

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