' What happened? ' Seung Ri breathed as he finally able to control his heavy breathing. ' It was my fault, ' Bom cried. ' Why are you locked here? ' Daesung asked as he finally got over the fear that almost ate him. ' Let's get out here first, ' Youngbae said as they all nodded. ' Bae make sure this storage room will not exist anymore. I don't want to see it tomorrow, ' TOP darkly said as he let out a heavy sigh together with all the mix emotions he had. ' You don't have to tell me, ' Youngbae hissed.


' Calm down first, then tell us everything, ' Youngbae gently said as he caressed the back of the still crying Bom. Bom just took a sip on the water that Daesung gave her. She let go a sigh as she retell them everything that happened, from the moment they arrive the storage room, to when she got a hunch that someone closed the door of the storage room and lastly about Dara saving her from the falling shelf.

' Its my fault! I'm sorry... If only I'm not clumsy, Dara should be fine... I'm sorry, ' she cried once more as she continue mumbling the words sorry, the only thing that her friends can do is to comfort her by telling its never her fault. That no one wished for the accident.


' My body hurts like hell, ' Dara mumbled. She was now lying in one of the clinic's bed. Her head has a bandages around it and she earned few band aids in her arms and legs. She can't describe what she's feeling all she knew is she felt like she just fought 50 thugs. When they arrive in the clinic Jiyong literally scared the life out of the school doctor as he go yelling, making them in haste. The school doctor and nurse treat her, only to receive another loud 'get out of here,' after their work.

' Ji, you should have atleast thank them, ' Dara muttered as she saw Jiyong approaching her after closing and perhaps also locking the clinic door. ' I did, I also apologized. I was totally not myself awhile ago, all I can feel is fear, ' Jiyong gently said as he sat down on the bed and caressed his girlfriend's hair. ' Don't you ever do that again, ' Jiyong whispered helplessly with a tinge of pleading.

' I would never really do that again, my body hurts like hell! ' Dara ranted which made him chuckled a little. Then there was a silence between them and Dara is starting to feel awkward. ' Uhmm, sorry if I worry you, ' Dara mummbled trying to break the awkwarding silence. ' You did worry me like hell, I feel like my hearts about to exlode, ' Jiyong weakly smiled at her as he landed a small kiss on her head.

' Babe, we need to tell her. When I saw you bleeding awhile ago, I thought I'll completely stop breathing, ' Jiyong gently said making Dara sit up. ' Don't move, ' Jiyong said but she ignore him, you know her. ' I'm sorry okay, but please give me time. Promise I'll tell her before the cultural fest end. If I fail to tell her, you do the honor, ' Dara answer with a sigh. Jiyong just nodded as he gently wrapped his arms around her and pull her closer pressing her body against him, feeling her warmth, checking if she's really safe. Dara just embrace him back feeling his warmth, silently thanking him for coming.

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