But whoever wanted to end Springtrap failed and he's still here. He's just burned and torn up more.

There was one thing that clung to the back of your mind.

Couldn't he just transfer his ghost to a different character and continue his reign of terror then? There was still parts of a bonnie suit, though slightly burned, still within this place.

"But how can you end a ghost?" You asked him.

It was impossible to destroy something that was already dead, wasn't it?

"Well, you can't really destroy a ghost unless it possesses a vessel." Springtrap explained to you.

"So since you're in a robot, you can get destroyed?" You asked him.

"Technically, my ghost can't get destroyed. Only the body. If I leave this body I'll either immediately go to heaven or hell. I'm going to hell for all the evil deeds I've done over the years. Those miserable brats will go to heaven—though I don't know if they deserve that much since they've killed me in an act of revenge, but it's not up to me."

You nodded.

"So you wouldn't exist in this world?" You asked him.

He shrugged.

"I don't know. There might be some way for me to come back if I get burned alive, or as alive as I can be right now."

You walked away from the door.

"And this person wants to burn you alive and send you to hell?" You queried.

He glanced off.

"Yes, he wants to stop me."

You frowned.

He didn't want to stop being a bad person?

You thought that maybe you could change him. Maybe this was a lost cause.

You glanced at the floor in disappointment.

"You're going to continue to kill people?" You asked in disappointment.

He smirks.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? Just because I feel something for you, (Y/N), doesn't mean I want to stop. I know it's a hell of a thing to accept, but I won't stop killing people just for you." He told you.

"Why not?" You asked him, feeling upset.

You weren't a murderer.

This wasn't a good matchup, was it?

You would keep on questioning yourself for all of eternity.

"Because quite honestly you're not enough of a reason to stop what I'm doing. I'm left to this world with a purpose. I'm a ghost. I must find out what that is, even if it means I kill countless others." He told you.

He looked a bit mad that you would even suggest he stopped his evil doings for one second.

"But why?! I thought you loved me." You gasped, eyes widening in surprise.

Why wouldn't he want to be a good guy? Even if it was just for you it would still be better than nothing.

Maybe you were overreacting. Maybe you should've just excepted him to want to continue his killing spree, but you really thought that maybe you could stop him from killing everything he landed his eyes on.

I mean, you stopped him from killing you.

But that's it. He didn't kill me. That's not even a start. I care about this ghost guy, but I don't know if this is a good idea if he's going to take countless others out for no good reason. How many more must die just for his satisfaction? He will never be satisfied going on a path such as this.

He straightened up in shock.

"Of course I fucking love you! I don't know why I wouldn't! You stop expecting me to let everyone live! I let you live! That should be enough for you!"

"Well it isn't, you stupid robot! You're ruining things even more than you were earlier! I'm just trying to help you!"

"By trying to force me to not be myself? Yeah some help you are. Good luck in the real world. I would kill you, but as I established I can't." He told you.

He looked sad.

You began to feel guilty as he left, not understanding why he couldn't just bother to better himself instead of furthering himself down a path of self destruction.

You didn't understand why you were feeling guilty about it either.

One part of you wanted to hate him with your entire guts, the other wanted you to run to him and apologize for asking him to be anyone but himself.

But shouldn't him sparing me be enough to convince myself that he's bettered himself? Isn't he at least trying? What have I done—no it's his fault for setting himself down this path. There's nothing I can do about it anyways. If he wants to be burned alive I wouldn't care if he was in the face of danger. I would let it happen. I hate him! He deserves this. He doesn't deserve my love and affection.

No matter how many times you've tried to convince yourself that it was his fault, you also couldn't help but feel like this was also your fault.

He didn't even get to tell you everything.

Who he thought this mysterious person was.

Your eyes widened.

You totally forgot about the intruder who was outside these walls.

It seems whoever it was heard everything. Their pacing had stopped shortly before the arguing.

All of a sudden, you heard the feet from the outside start up again.

But they weren't pacing.

Whoever they were sounded like they were trying to get in through the back entrance of the building.

They sounded urgent, and something about them made you instantly think of Springtrap.

Didn't he go back there? You wondered.

Despite every thought that you had against it, you started to run to the back.

Whoever that was, had something to do with the fire. Otherwise, Springtrap wouldn't have mentioned it.

You ran into the hallways, getting slightly spooked when you saw the Bonnie figure.

You calmed yourself, telling yourself that it was only the purple bunny and that you would be able to get to Springtrap.

You realized you didn't actually want him to be on fire.

As much as that would be a good way for him to get what he deserved, you realized maybe he deserves more than you've been giving him.

And that let a thought set itself into your mind.

Am I a bad person?

Author's Note: Thank you so much for making it this far! I appreciate it. Hope you enjoyed.

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