Chapter 1

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Check out the side for music while you read and a look at Madilyn's outfit!


"I'm here!" I said as I stepped out the car to greet Claire. Tomorrow was the first day of freshman year and Claire was not about to let me dress like a bum. You see, Claire was the super diva in our school while I tried to hide in the background, but she never let that happen. I dropped my bags at the door and ran to the fridge for my favorite ice cream, chocolate fudge brownie. I grabbed the phone charger and headed to Claire's room. As we pondered on Claire's relationship with Niall Horan, I sighed loudly and made it quite clear I was miserable. Claire finally gave into me and asked me what was wrong. As I told her all my problems she told me she had the perfect fix, pairing it with a playful smirk.

The next morning the alarm went off and I trudged out of bed. It took me 10 minutes to get ready, but Claire insisted that I get out of bed at 5:30. I went downstairs and grabbed a granola bar then walked outside to get the newspaper. I heard a squeaky, annoying ass voice call my name and who could it have been other than Mandy. As she walked up to me she couldn't help but say something about my granola bar sticking out of my mouth. As I swallowed the last of it and walked inside I heard Mandy scream bye you little bitch. Just as I was about to turn around, Claire pulled me back into the house.  

We headed out the door with our backpacks in hand; I briefed Claire on the incident this morning. She was telling me about all of Niall's friends and which ones I should date...typical Claire. When we walked into school Niall grabbed Claire's waist and pulled her aside. I continued walking down the hall and tried to make as little eye contact as possible. Making my way up the steps, lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone. As our shoulders made contact all of my books hit the ground, I grabbed my books and just as I was about to run off he called my name in a hushed tone. I looked up to see Mason, the boy Claire told me exactly not to fall for.

He handed me the rest of my books and as I grabbed the books, our hands touched and I got a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Just as he was about to apologize, Mandy and the rest of his posse came up.  

"Damn Madilyn, you're such a klutz. You could have hurt my baby!" said Mandy as she reached for M Mason's hand. Just as I was about to die of total humiliation Claire and Niall showed up. They said there last good-byes and we headed to class.

"How did you run into Mason" Claire asked with a grin on her face.

"First of all, he ran into me. I was just not paying attention, but I'm glad you're enjoying this" I said.

"I'm sorry, Madilyn. It will be fine, he will forget about it soon" But, that was the problem. Maybe I didn't want Mason to forget me. As we walked into first period, I pushed all of that to the back of my head and tried to learn something.


After school I meet up with Claire, Niall, and Liam, we all decided to head over to Claire's house to watch movies and work on homework. Claire rode with Niall and I rode with Liam. Liam has been my best friend since we were little and we were practically inseparable. On the way to Claire's I filled Liam in on the run in with Mason. 

"Maddie that is typical you, was he mean because I talk to him for you." 

"No Li! You can't say anything to him and he wasn't mean just Mandy being her typical self."  

"Well you have to stick up for yourself; you can't let her run you over." 

"She doesn't run me over Li, I just don't bother with her she is a waste of my time."  

As we pulled into the drive way Liam gave me a kiss on the check and told me that he didn't want anything to happen to me. I assured him I was fine and we walked into the house.  

"Claire!" I screamed, "Let's pop some popcorn." 

"Ok!" she screamed. 

As I set the time on the microwave Liam handed me the popcorn and he lifted me up to the counter. He grabbed some bowls and I poured the popcorn, we headed into the living room. Claire had bought me and Li some comfy clothes and we went to change. 

"Hand me the shorts Li" as I dropped my pants he shielded his eyes and tossed the shorts to me. "You're such a baby, it's not like I'm naked" I said with a grin. I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling while he changed. 

After we had both changed we headed back to the living room. We contemplated which movie and finally decided on Chainsaw Massacre. I buried my head in Liam's neck and slowly fell asleep.  



So this is my very first time on wattpad and so I hope you are enjoying my story please leave commets and dont forget to vote! I wanna give a special shout-out to the people who convinced me to start writing---@UnicornsAndNiallers and @laughlover990...........

Thanks peeps!


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