Chapter 24*

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// Anna’s Prov \\

Niall was leaving after spending the day here; talking, laughing, studding, eating and watching movies. None of the girls came home, leaving us to our time. Our time. 

It just hit me I have a boyfriend. Someone who I used to hate and despise. I’ve never had a boyfriend before and I began to wonder why I said yes. It was all too soon. I had 2 dates with him and then he asks me to be his girlfriend. 

It’s weird. We’re talking about Niall Horan. The all-time frat boy that uses girls of a hump and dump and there he goes asking me out AND I said yes to being his girlfriend.

‘This makes no sense’  I thought as I gripped the bathroom counter. ‘He would never do this. Its impossible. Omg it’s a trick, hes probably laughing with all his friends right now’.

‘But what about the kiss’ 

I started to smile, for some reason his lips felt like magic against mine. They moulded together like puzzle pieces, made for each other.

‘Maybe he really likes you’ I grinned, maybe so. I just need to take it slow, REALLY slow and see if I can handle this cause god knows if I’ll stuff up.

I turned on the shower and stripped, stepping in the warmed up water. When a thought came in mind ‘How will you tell Liam, Eve and Audrey’


// Niall’s POV \\

I walked out of the dorm after spending the whole day with her, leaving Anna with a kiss, telling her I’ll see her tomorrow. I actually liked spending the day with her, which confused my thoughts on if I can go through with this bet or not.

I made my way down the steps, smiling as my achievement of her liking me, now I just need her to fall for me.

But what was trouble for me is this girlfriend/boyfriend situation. I just sold my soul. Until she falls for me I’m going to have to lay off the girls for a while and stick to her, but what scared me was I didn’t mind as much. 

I already like the girl, I just need to be careful of how to act; which will be a bit hard, considering I really don’t have manners towards girls. I need to trick her and then that chef position is all mine.

I took a few more steps and guilt started to take over. I never knew I had so much until now.

‘You’re using her. Taking advantage of her. Tricking her’. The annoying small voices in my head whispered, but a big one caught my attention.

‘What if you fall in love with her?’

I stopped dead in my tracks. That can’t happen, it’s impossible, she’s a goodie goodie and to clingy. I tried filling my head with excuses why, but they just flooded out my ears. Like my head already knew it wasn’t true.

I started to get frustrated and kicked a street lamp beside me that lit up some part of my path.

I can’t fall in love with her because she would never accept me the way I am, she could never tolerate me, like all the other people I’ve tried with in my life. I’m thankful for the small people I have now. That means I have to faking it all. My terrible past, my controlled life, my false actions, my feelings….’Can you fake feelings?’

Of course you can! And I Will! If she knew the truth she would be break down every wall I’ve created around me to keep the truth in. She wouldn’t love the real me anyway, she would love the act im putting on. And I can act. 

I mean, I haven’t had a girlfriend in ages, I wouldn’t know what shit woman like.

Once the bet is done ill dump her and go back to my simple life. Easy.

I smiled and continued walking, concluding the little argument I had in my head. She wouldn’t love the real me. The real me is a cold hearted lowlife liar, full of mistakes, regret and un-told secrets.

I walked up the steps to the frat house, letting myself in freely, seeing a few guys and Tiffany  around the main living area. Play what seems to be poker. 

“Niall mate!” Harry yelled me over “where you been?! Haven’t seen you since yesterday afternoon AND you missed ANOTHER party!” he exaderate, catching the tables attention. The Table consisted of Harry, Zayn, Matt, Luke, Tiffany and a few other house mates.

“I was out” I shrugged walking to the mini bar we had in the comer, pulling out a beer out and popping the cap. 

“With who?” Zayn asked wiggling his eyebrows. I smiled at his eyebrow dance and diverted my eyes to Tiffany,hoping to ignore that conversation. I mean how can I tell them ‘Hey guys I’m off the market after 2 dates’ you just can’t. But what interested me was that, someone who never dates and has never been in a real relationship said yes to dating me, which of course adds another brick on my shoulders. I mean she hesitated but she still said yes. 

I continued my gaze on Tiffany “Don’t you have a place of your own?” I ask rudely, sometimes I was really sick of this chick. I fuck her once and she wants more. Does she not understand that I don’t do it more than once? I think not.

She smirked, sitting back in her chair “Oh please, you wish I was around more often” she bragged. I rolled my eyes “Bullshit”.

“Come on Niall, you know you want me around to help you” she winked. Eww I just got an uncomfortable chill. 

I rolled my eyes “Well I don’t need you anymore” I state smartly leaning on the table. “Ooo so someone’s replaced her. Who is it?” Zayn asked again.

I groaned “Guys no one’s replacing anyone. Plus I only let Tiffany have it once so there not much to replace” I finish. I watched as Tiffany ’s eyes widened as did the rest of the boys. I was a bit shocked myself, but I’m just sick of her. 

Thinking she has the best sex skills. I’ll tell you now I’ve had better sex on my own compared to her. 

She got up and quickly made her way to the front door, shutting it with a bang. I dragged my eyes to the rest of the table to see them with smiles. “Finally someone told her” a guy said. 

“Yeah, but you would still do her” Luke said. “Of course” he answered getting up as did the rest of the boys, leaving the room for the elevator until it was only Matt and I.

I glared down at the half full bottle, ignoring his stare. “You really want that chef position” he started, cutting the silence.

“And to prove to you that I’m better AND that you could never lay a finger on her” I added, I was full of sass tonight.

“I still think you will fail the bet” he estimated getting up “That lovely girl has strong walls to break under that sexy body and once you lose the bet, she will be mine for the taking” he set out thinking he had it all planned.

I got up smashing my bottle on the table and walking closer to him “Listen here you little shit. You will never get to fucken touch Anna, you understand! And stop talking about her like she’s yours cause shes not!! Shes mine!” I yelled, clenching my fists. 

He smirked “We’ll see about that”. I continued to glare at him as he left the room towards the elevator. Once he was out of my site I let out a deep breath, cleaning up a few shattered glass pieces on the table.

I huffed, ‘I get so over protective of her and she doesn’t even mean that much to me’ “Yes she does’ ‘ SHUT UP’

‘It’s cause your jealous because you want her to yourself’ ‘Exactly!’ I agreed with myself. ‘And you want her to want you’  It finished.

I walked to down the corridor, to the elevator, hitting the button and getting in; Thinking ‘Maybe I do want her to want me’, ‘Maybe i don’t want her to fall for the fake but the real me.

The elevator doors open reviling Luke with his arms crossed and a black expression

“So it’s a bet eh?”  





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