Chapter 19

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// Niall’s Prov \\

I felt something hard hit my face. What the fuck! I shot up to see Anna’s book on my lap and a very pissed Anna. What’s her problem? “What the Fuck, Anna?”

“You’re so bloody pathetic!” she yelled. “Making bets and setting up scams” Shit did she find out about the bet between Matt and I?

 “I can’t believe you cheated on that question just to get me to kiss you! How desperate are you! Can’t handle that someone doesn’t want to kiss you, or have sex with you, or really doesn’t want to be in the same fucken room as you!” she spat at me.

Is she serious? It was just a kiss. But what shocked me is that she was right. I was desperate to win the bet and I need to do it fast.

 “You’re such a pig! I bet that’s how you get all those girls to sleep with you by tricking them!” she yelled louder. I don’t know why I was angry when she said that, I’ve had girls say that to me all the time, but from her it was different.

I kicked the sheets off and stepped towards her. “What are you so upset about! You only wish I took it further last night!” I yelled at me.

Shes acting like I forced her into the kiss, if I recall SHE KISSED BACK!

“Oh please! You think I want you! I despise the living thought of you! You think I want you to sleep with me?! Your so fucken up yourself! You just can’t handle that I don’t want to have sex with you! And tricking me into kissing you!?” she shrieked in frustration. “Well that’s just downright embarrassing” she stated.

I stared at her bitterly. But I was all those things, she was right but I’ll never admit it to her. Common man you going to let her speak to you like that? My conscience told me. Yeah! Who gives her the right?!

“And you think I would want to sleep with you?!” he yelled. “The bitchy, dull, boring girl who just doesn’t give a shit about anything but school and study!” I fired back.

“You’re a prune, for fucks sake, lighten up, it was just a kiss AND I regrated every worthless second of it!” he finished.

Okay that was a lie, it was the best kiss I’ve ever had. Her lips on mine made my body shudder with an amazing rush. No girl has made me feel that great with just a kiss.

 I stared into her eyes, I knew it must have hurt her, you could tell the way she stared back at me.

She shook her head and held onto my bag “Good luck passing your classes then Niall” she gloated. My eyes drooped, not because I won’t pass, but I don’t get to spend more time with her. She walked out, slamming the door shut.

I sighed, sitting back down on the bed, running my fingers through my head.

I actually did liked spending time with her; it got me to notice little things about her that I could never before. Like how she flutters her eye lashes when she trying to think as she speaks or how she bounces her leg when shes sitting down for any type of mood. I notice she doesn’t like attention or people staring, so she turns away when I were look at her. Also how she bites on the inside of her left lip when she’s reading, which actually gets me a little turned on.

I need to forget about all that shit, I sound like a girl. I need to think about how I’m going to get her into me again. I mean she got pissed because I kissed her. Any other girl would dream to have me.

Maybe she didn’t like the kiss? Was it bad? Did my breath stink? I turned over to face the clock 11:14am. “Grrrr” I grumbled, Shit I had practice and a stupid test today. I slamed my fists on the bed only resulting to hitting something hard; Her Art History Book.

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