Chapter Twenty-Six

Comincia dall'inizio

'Any Whelans?' He asked.

I shook my head and sunk deeper into my seat, sliding the heavy-duty sunglasses that were, in theory, going to smother the burning silver-embers of my eyes. Lucius' bat seemed to not notice anything, and Sam wasn't whispering warnings either as her car trailed behind ours.

Nothing happened as the car came to a stop before a small, overcrowded warehouse at the far end of the docks. Cars were surrounding it, haphazard with no way of getting close, and drifting in through the open window was all kinds of smells and sensations; the various magics of immortals, the wild stench of beasts, drugs and smoke and alcohol. And blood. So much blood.

I rubbed my mouth, watching as Sam's car pulled up by us. I spied Ella within, looking uncertain and withdrawn, then glanced at the yawning mouth of the Belly's entrance crowded by beasts and immortals of questionable backgrounds. I wiggled my nose, doubt touching me that this was going to a smart move, but this was Theresa's plan. Unlike me, she hadn't been blind to Ella's suffering.

'Let's go.' Alistair grunted and pushed himself out of the car.

The twins leapt out fast, shadowing him as he demanded like excitable ducklings.

I shoved my cap on, yanking it to make sure my eyes were good and covered, and slid out myself.

Sam was staring at the entryway of the Belly, tension tight in her body and the little bats clinging to her back. Ella drifted towards me, looking thoroughly confused.

'Why're we here?' Ella whispered to me as she purposefully ignored Alistair as he set off ahead with the Bristow twins, Henry and Yvette following him obediently.

'I told you.' Theresa smiled. 'Education. Alistair has shown you the higher end of the Old World. Now you have to see the grubby side. The fun side!'

'I still don't know what you mean by that.' Ella muttered.

'You'll find out. Come on. The rain will only get worse.'

I jogged up to Alistair, not needing to drag Ella after me as she stuck to me like glue. I realised Theresa had been right. I remembered only two weeks ago, and Ella and Sam were thick as thieves, gossiping, laughing, and drifting out to late night cafes together. Yet, she avoided Sam now. She wouldn't really engage and her entire being trembled like she was ready to peg it. I wiggled my nose. Out of all of us women in the house, Sam was the most human in her soul. She loved plants and daylight, cafes and tiny little cakes, and didn't at all act like a vampire. But Ella has stated she realised Sam wasn't human. I just didn't know what that meant exactly..

'You going in first?' I asked lowly as I came to a stop by Alistair, flicking my attention about the dark, grim night for trouble.

'Might as well. The bouncers won't exactly stop me. They never had done before.' He murmured back, and caught sight of Ella staring pointedly at the immortals melting into the warehouse. 'Ella.' He called.

She flinched and stubbornly refused to look at him.

'Stay close to us, but this will be safe for you. It's neutral ground. Any fights are done in the ring and only the ring, or outside.' He reassured with a gentle tone as he gazed at her with warmth. 'Nothing will happen to you.'

Ella actually looked at him, but it was an expression I hadn't seen before on her - rage and an aching pain. Without a word, she stormed off ahead, forcing Sam to hurry after her. I glanced at Alistair. I didn't need to ask if he knew what was going on. He clearly didn't by the confusion written over him. Ella's mind was locked up tight, just like it was to Theresa. I tried not to worry about though. I was here to stretch my legs, roar with the crowd and be there the moment Ella needed to talk – if the did. That was it.

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