Chapter 40: Lie to me

Start from the beginning

"You're not...." Cesal trailed off, he looked up and his eyes seemed to be distant, to the clock on the wall, "You're not supposed to be here," He said again, completing his previous words.

Zen didn't reply, only gulp down the dry feeling he felt in his throat.

Cesal furrowed his brows, deciding to keep the questions to himself. If he remembered correctly, E.A was given his time to visit the prisoners and Prince Veldra doesn't allow any more underlings to do so, unless it was Cesal. Then, in that case, E.A must've brought Zen here and locked him inside after—

"Hey!" The teen rushed toward the redhead, who just about collapsed despite the support of his legs. He caught his upper body in time, looking down at Zen's wet hair that was pressed against his chest. He felt so bitterly cold, Cesal almost dropped him, but he didn't. The bluehead's fingers twitched at the low temperature from Zen. It was like all heat in his body had died and he was losing consciousness.

"Zen Vermiel stay awake! Don't pass out on me," Cesal grumbled, his face a bit worried as he watched the redhead whimper.

"What did he do?" Cesal whispered more to himself as he observed the weak state of Zen's body. He was convulsing slightly, almost as if he didn't want Cesal to touch him. Understandable, they were enemies after all.

"L-Let go of me," Zen uttered softly, his voice lowered by pitches, like he struggled to even get a word out.

"What happened?" Cesal asked, refusing to let go.

"I said—Let go of me," Zen's voice broke as his eyes teared up.

"If I do, you're going to fall, headfirst, probably die in the state you're in and Prince Veldra didn't demand such orders," Cesal retorted, his grip on the redhead tightening.

"I don't f-fucking care!" Zen shuddered, "Just don't touch me!" He weakly tried to pry Cesal's arms off him and the bluehead struggled to hold him close. When he saw the redhead's wide, terrified eyes, Cesal immediately loosened his grip and stepped back, watching as Zen used wall to steady himself. His body shook as he cried softly, wrapping his other arm around himself as he sihifted in his place.

Cesal looked downwards. He felt dreadful. Pity was crawling in the bottom of his stomach and he didn't know why. He should find humor in this. Be entertained, or at least enjoy it at some point, but couldn't bring himself to do that. The boy just looked so scared. He was the villain. He should laugh evilly and mock the redhead, but why?

Why did he feel anger towards a certain blue creature?

"Look, I won't touch you...if that's what you want, but, you have to get back to the cell," Cesal glanced at the clock then at Zen, who seemed to be lost in his own troubles, "I can get you there without difficulty or I can just call in the guards and they won't give a shit if you don't want them to touch you."

Cell? Get back to the cell? That was awful, but a relief as well. He'll be back with Rehan and Kazuo. Away from this monster, but he still didn't feel any better. He can always do what he's done over and over——

"I'll go with you," Zen managed to say.


The curtains draped over the glass blocked the orange setting the later afternoon sun would've set, making the castle settle for a darkness illuminated by the blazing lamplights. The place was quite, seeming like everyone has had their dinner already.

Cesal never thought he would be tiptoeing throughout the hallways, trying to stay hidden from a certain purple and black haired prince and get one of their prisoners back to the cell safely.

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