"Bob? Why is his name Bob?" Remus furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's wrong with the name Bob?" Marlene questioned.

"Um- well- nothing is wrong with that name," Remus replied.

"Exactly," Marlene nodded her head.

"So, what's up?" Remus smiled. 

"Nothing much really," I responded. "I have to head to Hagrid's at..." I looked at the large clock above us. "...right now. I have to go."

"Oh, come on. Hagrid can't wait a few minutes?" Lily asked. "Remus just got here."

"Yeah, I just got here," Remus said, quoting Lily.

"Sorry, but Re-" I cleared my throat, "Hagrid can't wait forever, y'know?"

"I guess," Lily sighed.

"See ya," I beamed and waved goodbye before I left.


Regulus's pov

I was making tea in the cottage when (y/n) finally arrived.

"Didn't want to wait for me outside this time?" (Y/n) asked when she entered the cottage.

"Nobody said I had to," I chuckled. "Want some tea?"

"Pass," she answered as she took off her mittins. (Y/n)'s clothes were full of white snow and she led a snow trail inside the cottage.

"Are you sure?" I questioned. "You look a bit...covered in snow. I wouldn't want you to get sick."

"Why? So I won't get you sick?" She asked, jokingly.

"Yes, exactly," I replied. (Y/n) laughed and took off all of her snow gear.

I handed (y/n) a cup filled with warm tea as we sat down on the window seat. The view was beautiful. The trees were covered in snow and there were small icicles already forming on the perimiter of the roof. It stopped snowing a little while ago, but there was still a soft batch of snow that covered the ground.

"Why don't we go outside when we finish our tea," (y/n) suggested.

"Uh- no thanks. I'm good," I replied.

"Why not?"

"I'm just...not a snow person."

"That's not very convincing, but alright," (y/n) shrugged. "I'll be searching for more Sunshine and Moonlight letters, okay?."

"Okay, make sure you finish your tea though."

"Will do," (y/n) smiled and entering the room that holds the love letters.

The truth was, I am a snow person. At least I was. I adored the snow and it's activities. I found peace in catching snowflakes on my tongue and I enjoyed making snowmen and snow angels, but that all changed...

December 15, 1970

"Reg? Reg, where are you?" Sirius called.

"Go away," I sniffled, wiping away my tears.

"Reggie, what's wrong?" Sirius asked, kneeling down beside me. We were in the attic, it was place where Sirius and I go when we need to escape.

"You're...you're going to leave me." I replied.

"Leave you?" Sirius questioned.

"Yeah, when you go to Hogwarts. I'm going to be all alone."

"Reggie, I'm not going anywhere for a while," Sirius assured.

"But you will." I replied. "And it's going to be soon."

"No matter where or when I'm going, you're my brother. And in a year and a half, we'll be at Hogwarts together," Sirius responded, softly. "We're always going to be together."

"Really?" I looked up at Sirius with a slight smile.

"Of course," he smiled. "I won't let anything come between us."

"You promise?"

"I promise." We smiled at each other as Sirius messed up my hair. "Hey, it's snowing." Sirius noticed as he looked at the attic window. "Why don't we go outside?"


Snow was our favorite weather, and I haven't gone outside to play in the snow ever since Sirius left for Hogwarts.

"Hey, Reg," (y/n) said. I flinched at her sudden appearance.


"I'm gonna go outside, I couldn't find anymore letters," she replied.

"Oh, okay," I nodded my head.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" (Y/n) asked.

"Uh...I guess I'll go," I answered, hesitantly.

We walked outside after we casted the heating spell upon us. There was a soft layer of snow and (y/n) tilted her head torwads the sky. I stayed on the porch while (y/n) played alone in the snow. It was awfully quiet. (Y/n) was alone in the snow and I was alone in my mind. I had to get out of my mind and connect to the real world. (Y/n) laid on the ground, making snow angels. That was when I decided to join her.

(Y/N)'s pov

"Mind if I join?" Reg asked, his head hovering over me.

"Not at all," I beamed as Regulus laid beside me. We moved our arms up and down and our legs in and out- creating snow angels. "I thought you weren't a snow person," I sighed after a long minute of silence and snow angel creation.

"Actually...I was," Regulus responded. We both stopped moving our legs and arms and laid there side by side.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean...things changed," Regulus said, almost in a whisper.

"Is it because of Sirius?"

"I don't want to put too much detail into it, but yes. It is because of Sirius, or at least about him leaving," he sighed.

"Do you want to go inside?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Regulus answered, hushly.

We stood up, leaving our snow angels behind. I was ahead of Regulus and right when I got to the porch, a ball of snow hit my back. I scoffed and slowly turned around just to see Regulus with a mischievous look on his face.

"You know what...we can't go inside yet. We haven't even had a snowball fight," Regulus smirked.

"You're on, Black," I smirked back, walking away from the porch and grabbing a handful of snow.

A/N: I'M BACK!!! im so sorry for updating so late but i appreciate everyone's patience <3! thank you to all the people who asked if i was okay, as i said before, im really busy with school and volleyball. if im being honest i haven't had a lot of motivation to write but i love you all sm and i thought it would be cruel to make you wait longer.

im not the biggest fan of this chapter and im sorry if there are any grammatical/spelling mistakes. i wanted to give yall some content before i started the holiday break chapters!

thank you all for your patience and thank you sm for all the views and votes <3!!!

ill try my very best to write more! :)

thanks for reading, i love you, and stay safe!


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