Chapter 1 - Rumors or Truth

Start from the beginning

Anina: "You'd be guessing right. Last week I was stronger. Today, my hyper active little sister is."

Anika: "Yeah, stronger than her but not me."

She smiles as Anissa runs up, giving her a huge hug.

Anissa: "You're still the greatest sis. Your skills are still better than mine, I'm just more aggressive when it comes to the counter attacking part."

They all walk back towards the house to the front door as Oren notices one of the idol worshipers looking towards him and his siblings as they walk in the house. He looks back and waves, but he receives no wave back just a slight, awkward looking smile and head nod. He walks in behind his younger siblings and closes the door behind him before he speaks.

Oren: "Man they're creepy. Especially that one. I mean every morning the kids go out back to play, and every morning she's there looking creepy. Man, I can't wait to leave today."

Anya: "You must be talking about old Lady Gurdy. She's nice, she used to raise mom and dad remember? You should be nice to her. And will you get away from that window and come eat. Your Soyrizo and Eggs are getting cold."

Oren: "Well, I for one..."

The knock on the door stops him mid step as he was almost to the table. He turns and follows behind his sister as she opens the door. Standing there is another old lady they know, whose also a friend of the family's. She also has light orange skin, light grey hair, standing 5'3" tall.

Anya: "Good morning Lady Grudy. We're just having break..."

Grudy: "Move out the way boy, and hurry up and shut the door."

She quickly shoves Oren out the doorway and enters. Anya notices the abruptness and quickly puts her dish down to help guide her to a chair. But she secretly motions towards the backroom and Anya responds by guiding her in that direction instead. Oren quickly follows behind, closing the door behind him once they enter inside.

Grudy: "That old bag of hot air sister of mine done did it again. I need you both to help me break her curse before it gets out of hand."

Anya: "Slow down Lady Grudy... Breathe and take a minute to..."

Grudy: "There's no time... Here..."

She opens her hand and puts a rusty red ring in it and closes it back.

Grudy: "Listen, this ring was made with 6 others like it, several years ago by my sister and the other elders. They are the keys to some very powerful majic weapons and a cure to the curse that was just put on our village a few days ago. If we don't..."

Bursting through the door while eating bread with gooey sauce dripping to the floor, is Anissa. Behind her walking slowly is Lady Gurdy. She's smiling kindly towards her sister and the others.

Anya: "Good thing you came to lay down for a bit Lady Grudy, are you feeling a little better? Oh, hi Lady Gurdy."

Gurdy: "Is my sister pestering you guys again?"

Oren: "Of course not. She was just a little faint and needed to rest a bit. I was just about to get her some water. Would you like a glass as well?."

Gurdy: "No thank you young sir, I'm not staying long. Just wanted to make sure my sister was alright is all. I saw her stumble her way in here and was concerned is all."

She smiles weirdly as she heads back to the door. She waves back at the little ones who all wave goodbye as they continue to scarf down their breakfast. Grudy immediately gets up , tearing a piece of cloth from her clothing and tying it across her head. A few seconds later, while walking towards the door, she hands it to Anya. She hugs her and Oren as she leaves, thanking them again for the great hospitality. Confused, they hug her back and all say bye to her as she walks in the opposite direction of her sister.

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