𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

902 45 4


"Fuck!" Jimin cursed at himself when he fell onto the wet ground as it rained. His tears began coursing down his cheeks again, mixed with the rain water that mercilessly poured down with all force.

With the shock running through his bones, he laid down on the road while it rained, bawling out all his tears while his heart clenched.

"I don't wanna let go..." he merely whispered to himself, praying that he was loud enough for the heaven gates to pass his message to her.

His wife.

"I'm so lost... why did you leave me...? You knew that I'm not that strong.." He asked her, more like asking the heavens since he knew, he couldn't reach her anymore. She was away. Far away. Out of his reach.

After dying.

"Come back..." his voice cracked and he cried harder. The rain hit his body with great force, yet he didn't wince. The pain growing inside him was swallowing all of his remains and he couldn't let go of it.

His breath hitched every now and then but the tears were racing down, his throat blocked.

Until he heard a car horn.


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