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The trio entered a very dreary room that was filled with rubble.

There was an enormous gap in between the second floor with a smashed tv with someone's clothing hanging on either side of it.

Moving forward you found yourself in a narrow, abandoned alleyway. Boxes, TVs, packages you name it were scattered everywhere.

You climbed up on an unglazed window and into the next room that was full of plates and cluttery stuff everywhere.

You climbed up on an unglazed window and into the next room that was full of plates and cluttery stuff everywhere

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The floor was a mixed color of white and gray porcelain square tiles. It reminded you of a diner, which reminded you of...

'Food..' you thought as your stomach began to rumble.

Mono and Six seemed to have had the same thought as their stomachs began to rumble too.

Mono then took it upon himself to run around the room and open any cabinet or dresser he could to see if there was food in them.

You and Six both climbed up and sat on a barstool, watching the boy as he ran back and forth until he came to the conclusion that there was no food in this area.

He climbed back up onto the window you three entered by and turned around to the two of you.

"Stay here ok? I'll go see if I can find any food down the street." He announced hopping out the window and ran down the alley before you could reply.

Out of boredom, you started rummaging through the cabinets in search of something to do. During your short scavenge hunt you found a long black satin cord, scissors almost larger than you, and incredibly small keychains.

Six looked over at your findings in curiosity.

"What are you planning to do with those?" She asked curiously.
"Not sure yet." You replied shrugging your shoulders.

After looking through a few more drawers you turned around to find six cutting off small strands of the black satin cord and was tying them with knots to make circles. This gave you an idea.

"Hey Six can I borrow the scissors for a sec?" You asked approaching the girl.

"Oh sure." She said pushing it over to you.

You put your wrist up to the satin cord measuring it and cut off three strands double the size of your wrist.

Six stared attentively as you grabbed the keychains and walked over to her.

"Here, there's no blue keychain so I'm gonna need you to pick one of these." You told her.

She stared down at them for a second before pointing to the yellow one.
"What are you trying to do exactly?" Six asked.

"You'll see soon." You told her.
"Stay here, I'm just going outside for a bit."

Six watched as you hopped out onto the street and started scavenging through the packages, she had absolutely no clue what you were doing.

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