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You both hit the water with a splash and quickly rose back up to the surface, gagging a bit at how disgusting the water was and wiping it away from your eyes.
'Eww, ew, ew, ew this waters so nasty.'

The Hunter started bashing against the front door trying to get out.

"Psst, psst, hey over here." Six whispered while making a 'C'mere hand gesture.'

The water wasn't seriously deep so it was slightly easier to make your way over to her, She was under a small gap in a bridge that seemed to have enough space for you all.

Bursting through the front door The Hunter stepped out onto the bridge on top of you, hearing the sounds of his deep breath inhaling and exhaling made you tense up and listen silently as his loud footsteps were making their way down the bridge.

As The Hunter made his way further down the bridge, the trio started to follow him.

There was a bridge you would have to go under coming up and Mono inhaled before ducking down and back up with Six following him, doing the same.
'Oh hell no, I am not doing that.' you thought, not wanting to go back underneath that substance.

Six and Mono both turned around to look at you since they didn't hear you hold your breath and go under yet.
"It isn't thaaat bad." Mono whispered.

"It is too!" You replied in a low voice, sticking your tongue out at him.

Bad idea, there was still some water left on your mouth from the previous fall and now you had tasted it, your face turned into a look of pure horror.

"BleH blEh yuck!!" You whisper-yelled flailing your arms around a bit, trying to spit the water back out and get that horrid taste gone.

Six stared blankly at you as Mono was shaking his head but you could hear a few chuckles here and there.

Getting a bright idea you turned around and bent back trying to do the limbo under the bridge, it actually worked and you turned around to look at both their shocked faces.

"Yes, yes I did just do that." You exclaimed, smirking at how you succeeded at not having to go back underwater.

Moving along you three stopped behind a tree trunk and there was another one at the opposite side the hunter was in the middle which means you'll have to...

"Hate to break it to you Y/n, but it looks like you're going to have to go under this time." Six whispered.

"Do I have to?" You looked over at her raising an eyebrow.


"Absolutely have to?"


"Here if it makes you feel better we'll all hold hands and do it together!" Mono chimed in, with his usual happy tone.

"Awww it doesn't, but thanks!" You replied still hating the fact you need to go back under.

He extended his hand out to you, after a long sigh you grabbed it along with Sixs.

Mono then whispered a countdown for you all to hold your breath.
"3...." "2..." "1.." "Now!"

You all took in a large inhale of air and went under, Mono keeping a firm grip on your hand and pulling you two forward.

You could feel the water rushing past you not to mention it was a bit slimy, you'd puke if you could but that taste isn't getting back in your mouth and that's final.

Forget me not (Mono x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now