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It was one of the worst afternoons Dream had ever experienced. His head was one big mess, and he couldn't do a single thing about it. His thoughts were playing with him, making him remember one thing and quickly switching to another.

He had laid himself down on his bed, so he was instead facing the blank ceiling, not wanting to bring back more memories from when he was young, with the wall. The second he found peace from his movements, his brain starting whirring again. The situation had become one big blur. It had reached the point to where Dream couldn't properly remember if it had even happened, and if so how. It might have just been himself imagining it, thinking things were going too well with George. Well done Clay, another self-sabotage.

No, his thoughts were all wrong, this was all a bunch of bullshit. 

Dream stood up from his bed and started to grab various random objects, such as clothes and pens, from the ground. Throwing them around his room in rage and ripping stuff off shelves, stillvtrying to keep the volume down as to not alert anyone

George had never cared about him, cause if he did, then Dream wouldn't have caught him pinned against the wall with Callum, for the second time this week. It was all Georges fault, and he would have to pay for it. There was no way he was letting him get away with it, not this time. 

Or maybe not, maybe George was doing it because of a bigger reason, something Dream could never understand. George would never hurt him on purpose? Or would he?  Dream had never heard both sides of the argument, maybe it was all a misunderstanding, maybe they could find each other again, and pretend it never happened? I mean, it wasn't like Dream wouldn't forgive him in a split second if he had the chance.

He gave up, drained from energy. He flopped back on to his bed, just letting himself go completely, almost losing consciousness. He instead spent the next few minutes following his ceiling fan around and around, before a few thoughts managed to drift away.

It would be no use either way, with or without George in his life. Because even if he could get George back, George clearly didn't want him back, he would rather have Callum. After leaving Karl and Sapnap at the party, they probably wouldn't wanna see him. And there was no doubt his father didn't want him anymore after his performance on the ice today. His entire world had just ended, it was probably best for him and everyone else around him, that he just crawled back into his same old corner, forgetting everything  which his sorry life had become, making sure to never see anyone or the outside world again.

So Dream curled himself up in his corner. This time grabbing his phone, in hope of getting the time to pass faster. The screen lit up the entire corner, blinding him with light, eventually being able to see the picture of George sitting on the cliff edge watching the sunset, from just a single day ago. The picture had a weird way of making him feel warm inside, even if he knew him and the boy in the photograph weren't on good terms right now. He also noticed the multiple messages and worried DMs he had received in the notifications beneath the clock.

Most of them he just ignored, it was just teammates checking up on him, or the same old relatives congratulating him on the game. 

There were still a few single messages that caught his eye. 

The first ones he opened being from Sapnap.

Partner in crime :)

We are not talking about this over text <3

I'll be at our spot 6PM sharp

I wanna hear it all. I'm right here buddy :)

Dream contemplated wether or not to answer him, before quickly remember that it was Sap. He was the one person he could trust no matter what, with anything. So he quickly replied back.

Tysm <3 I'll be there

He then closed messages to go and scroll on twitter, before remembering the other message he had taken note of.

British boy <3

Dream please just give me a chance to explain!!

It's not what you think

Dream was yet again wondering wether or not to answer his so called 'Loverboy's' messages. Where he eventually chose not to, just closing the message thread instead. He wanted to clear his head up, before he ended up doing or writing something dumb.

You know I can see you read my messages

Answer me pleaseeee!!!

You changed contact name from 'British boy <3' to 'George Davidson'

I don't wanna talk right now. Leave me alone!

Oh sorry

He knew George wouldn't see he changed the contact name, but it helped himself with accepting and acknowledging that it had happened, and would either way have an impact on his life.

Dream didn't want to think about it anymore than necessary, so he spent the rest of his time on TikTok until he could hear Sapnap knock on his window.

"Hey Sap, you don't understand how glad I am to see you" Dream pulled him into a hug, Nick still crouching in the window sill. 

"I'm just glad to see that you are ok, come on out, then we can talk" Sapnap said, gesturing for him to follow.

The two of them sat as usual on Dreams roof, in the same spot they did as when they were young. When the two of them had bought griptape for skateboards and stuck them the the tiles so they wouldn't slip, the place was a bit of a mess, with pen markings and old monster cans everywhere. But there was still something so peaceful about it.

His parents didn't know about it, or at least from what he knew of. It was just him and Sapnaps place, where they could be, alone. 

Dream wouldn't be able to count the amount of late night talks they had out there over the years. A memorable spot.


(word count: 1024)


This one goes out to @Emily_8OW a dedicated reader, tysm

Short one sry

Let me know what you think


!'m proud of you <3

Melting the ice // DNFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt