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The moment had arrived. 

Dream, Nick and the rest of their team trod out of the changing rooms and onto the ice, their ears being exploded by the shouting and cheering from the stands.

The team stood in the middle of the ice in a row, waving and taking in the support from their fans. During this time Dream would often try to see if his mother had showed up, but instead he spent the few minutes searching for his beloved brunette, George.

As expected he stood in the center of the stands, getting the best view of the rink, still wearing Dreams jersey with the make-up.

The Vipers made their way onto the ice too, smug smiles covering their faces. Taking in the mass amounts of cheers with they believed were for them, idiots.

The referee stood between the two rivals, announcing the usual stuff, before the teams were finally allowed to get into their starting positions.

Of corse it was him and Callum starting head to head to set off the game. He was well aware that Callum was their star player, it was quite sad actually, he would just have to show him who was best, yet again.

The referee stood between the two enemies, puck in hand. 

"OK BOYS, I EXPECT FAIR GAME PLAY TODAY. NO MESSY STUFF" Referees often say this kind of stuff, just goes to show how lazy they can be sometimes.

"Callum you asshole, are you ready to eat my dust?" Dream said looking up from his bent over position, eyes meeting Callum's.

"Oh Dreamie, you seem so cocky in comparison to your boyfriend came to watch me play" He wanted to piss Dream off, and it worked no doubt about it, but he had to wait till the game started  to get back at him.

"Oh you wish, dumbass" Dream looked down again, not wanting to waste anymore mental capacity on that knucklehead.

"Ok the two of you ready" the referee added, this clearly being one of the more intense face-offs which he had witnessed first hand.




The ear-piercing sound of the whistle filled the icy hall, the puck dropped, him and Callum both going in for it. Dream gave Callum a second to try to get it, before weaving his stick around the others, easily slipping the puck out of there.

The first period wasn't anything special the fifteen minutes swiftly went by, both teams having scored 2 goals each, two of them being made by Dream and Callum. The Wildfires other goal was scored by Sapnap.

Both teams got off the ice, grouping on either side of the rink talking strategy before the next period, after Dreams dad was finished coaching them through the second out of the three periods they were about to enter, Dream decided to watch The Vipers on the other side. He couldn't help but notice Callum.

Callum got passed one of his teammates green sports vests indicating that he wouldn't be playing the next period. Then directly after receiving the off side vest, he left through the locker room door.

Something was up, one hundred percent. Dream couldn't remember the last time Callum hadn't played a whole game. He just wanted to make sure it wouldn't affect George, cause who knows what kinda of shit that idiot could pull off, if he felt it was necessary to win the hockey game.

The referee whistled the next period off, getting everyone on the ice again. This time Dream would be facing off one of Callum's many goons instead of the menacing spawn of satan himself. so he decided to use the period to get a little ahead.

To say it politely, The Vipers got completely and utterly destroyed. They didn't even stand a chance in the next and last period. It stood 6-2 to The Wildfires, and The Vipers had lost any kind of self worth that remained. At the end of the period, when the referee blew through his deafening whistle, Dreams eyes darted straight to the stands in hope of spotting George, watching him. 

Making George proud was all Dream had ever wanted to do, since he knew his parents would never feel it no matter how hard Dream would try. So when he looked at where George had previously sat, and only saw an empty seat, his heart sank, the one time he had really tried to do something for someone, they decided to leave.

He knew George wouldn't do it without a good reason, so he decided he would look into in later, he could after all have just gone to the toilet, or gone out to get something to eat or drink. Dream was probably just overreacting, and it was nothing.

They got pulled off the ice, so the zamboni could clear the ice during the longer of the two breaks. 

"Ok Boys, that was really good, great defense. And Dream I guess your scoring was fine, but as always, could be better" Coached barked in their team huddle. It annoyed Dream how it could never be enough, his dad would never be satisfied with his work and effort, but at this point it was the usual.

The huddle parted their ways, going off to do miscellaneous things with their longer break, some getting food, others reuniting with family members from the crowd receiving bundles of hugs and kisses from proud parents. 

"Hey Sap, can you try to keep attention away from me while I leave for the next 5 minutes-is??" Dream said, nudging his friend.

"Sure, just please be back in time. You dad is tense enough as it is" His intentions being nothing other than looking out for his mate.

It was now Dream decided to make a break for it, slipping out through the locker room doors, trying to leave unnoticed. What he found on the other side of the locker room doors, and into the rink entrance hallway, changed both his mood drastically...


(word count: 1003)


its a really short one, sry

Ive been rly worried about writing the game that's why its been a little late lmao

Remember you are loved by so many<3

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