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Dream decided to skip early practice today, so he and George spent the rest of the morning together. 

It was quite peaceful, his mother and father were out, so they had the house to themselves. George helped Dream with the stuff he couldn't do because of his shoulder, like brushing his hair, to make sure Dream looked decent, his dad would be extra mad if he showed up to practice late and looking like a wreck. 

The two of them made their way down to the kitchen, and cooked themselves the most unhealthy breakfast either of them had eaten in a long time. The smell of Georges pancakes drifted throughout the entire house. He had called them his '1,2,3 pancakes', Dream didn't think much of it until George passed him a serving.

"George" He said, barely managing to form words because of his laughter.

"This" He said gesturing to the plate "isn't pancakes, that crêpes" Making the brunette laugh too. There was something about Georges laugh, Dream loved it, it was so contagious.

The two of them sat beside each other on the kitchen stools, George slightly leaning into Dream. Both enjoying the meal they had prepared together when George came with a proposition.

"So Dream, I was thinking, what if you skip practice today?" George said, shifting his head, so they made eye contact.

"I know it's important and all, but I really enjoyed last night with you, and wanted to spend more time together" Georges voice getting more quiet in the end, clearly regretting his choice to say it.

"Hey George" Dream said, putting his arm around George "Calm down. For you, I would do anything. Even skip practice if that what you really want" Making both of them laugh a bit. Dream meaning ever word he said.

They spent the rest of the morning eating, and then made their way up to Dreams room, just chilling on their phones, George lying on Dreams chest. Both of them scrolling the same as they do when they're alone.

"Dream, what are we gonna do today?" George said looking up from his phone and into the blondes deep green eyes.

"Well" Dream said sitting up, with George still on his lap "I was thinking I could surprise you"

"What do you mean, surprise me, I literally just asked you if you wanted to spend the day together?" George said, blatantly confused.

"I have my ways" Dream said, putting on the same stupid smirk as usual.

"OH shut up" George said, in his lovable accent.

Fifteen minutes later Dream and George went outside, to find Monty waiting. 

"Welcome George" He said signaling to Dream,  to let the brunette into the car, after closing the door behind George. He turned to Dream. 

"Everything should be as requested, if not, text me. You got this buddy, I'm proud of you" Those last words were some Dream never heard. In comparison to other kids, his parents never told him they loved or cared for him. Monty was a mix between the father and big brother he had never had. He had his younger sister Drista, but she was always at her boarding school, and only came home for a weekend once a month.

He would always be grateful for Monty.

And George too.

They made him feel loved.

Dream made his way around the car, and into the drivers seat beside George.

"What a rustic ride? I thought your car was the Rolls Royce?" George said, trying not to sound ungrateful.

Melting the ice // DNFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang