Thank you!

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To start off, I would like to thank everyone who has read the story, voted and commented through this journey. It has been an amazing experience - sometimes a little overwhelming to be honest, but I'd like to think it's normal for someone who has never really posted things publicly.

This was a fun thing to do. I began writing this book as a distraction from whatever was happening in my life and ended up really enjoying it. I even learned some new things through this, so it's a win-win situation hahaha.

Writing this, I realized how important creativity is for everyone. In any way, shape or form, I think it's important to release thoughts onto something. So if you ever feel like you want to write a book, draw, paint, play an instrument etc. - go for it! You might think it's bad but who cares honestly? If something makes you happy, you should chase it and cherish it as much as you can. Everything that starts off bad turns good if you practice enough. 

I don't know if I will ever be writing a fanfiction again, I could possibly try but I'd need a character for it first haha. If I ever do, I'm sure that it will be fun, but for now I'm content with just this one fanfiction sitting here on my account.

I hope you all had as much fun as I did, and I hope you folks enjoyed this story, even if it didn't really have a "plot-twist" or anything specific. I am thankful for all of the support, you are all amazing!

That being said, I'll be off. To all of you, I hope you have an amazing day/night and as always - Remember to get enough sleep, drink water and take care of yourselves!

Goodbye everyone! <3

Letters To You // Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now