author's note

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After writing the last chapter, I realized that I'd never written the word 'babe' before and I don't know how to feel about it.

Hey besties, it's Alex! You've reached the end of the story, congrats!

It feels weird, really. This was my first story in a while that I'd gone original with (or, well, as original as a fanfiction could get) and I honestly didn't expect so many of you to like it. Of course, I'm very, very glad you guys enjoyed it!

Not going to lie, at first the last two chapters were supposed to be different (Y/n and Reki were gonna go talk with her parents and stuff, trying to convince them it was fine for her to skate, yada, yada) but I'm honestly way happier with the way I ended it now. Sorry to anyone who expected a different ending.

Thank you guys so much for sticking with this book - especially the ones who've been here since I first started it. Your comments and greetings and everything in general always makes my day, and I'm so very glad so many of you ended up liking Y/n in here, as I tried to make her as relatable as possible (ngl I kinda tried basing her off myself bc I wasn't sure how to write her LMAO).

I'm going to miss writing this book. I've written for many characters before, some published and some unpublished works, but I think writing for Reki has been my favorite so far and I would love to write for him again one day.

This was one of my last pieces of SK8 left for now and I feel like crying now that I've finished it, but thankfully we still have the new project that got announced, so it's not over yet! I can't wait for it to be reliesed, then our Fandom will reunite once again!

It's going to be weird now, since I'm not going to have any ongoing books for a bit. I have some random ideas for different books (both SK8 and others), but we'll see how those go lmao. More news to come in summer, I suppose!

And a very, very great thanks to my friend _alicia-chan_ for drawing the amazing fanart of Mystique in chapter 8! I love it so much, thanks for drawing it, bestie <333.

I honestly don't know what to say anymore. Thank you guys so very much again, for following me on this journey!

I guess I'll be seeing you in other books! Stay safe and hydrated and enjoy your summer! <3


currently listening to: Paradise by Rude-Alpha; I'm about to cry lmao.

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