1 | shadow vs the mystery

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'S'. The secret course for skaters, where they can express themselves or have competitions, or the so-called 'beefs'. They gather at night, free from resticitions and criticism. It was illegal, of course, so people kept quiet about it. It was a safe haven for skaters.

Maybe that's why Reki loved it so much.

''What're we doing today?'' asked Reki over the loud engine of the motorcycle. ''Course or the ramps?''

''We can go on the course, I guess,'' Langa said, simply wanting to skate, no matter how.

''I'm itching to go downt the course, Langa! We haven't been here in a week!" Reki shook Langa's shoulders when he stopped the scooter at the entrance of 'S'. ''You think Miya and Shadow are here?''

The two looked ahead, only to see a crowd gathered at the start line of the course. The two looked at each other in confusion - was there a beef today? No one had told them anything. Quickly parking the motorcycle to the side, the two grabbed their boards and approached the crowd, confusion evident on their faces.

Miya noticed the two approaching from the corner of his eye, his arms crossed. ''You two are late,'' he pointed out, giving them a glance.

''What's hapenning?'' asked Reki, craning his neck to take a look. ''Did we miss something?''

''Shadow's being challenged to a beef.''

Both Reki and Langa looked at Miya. ''Shadow?'' Langa quesitoned.

''Who's challenging him?'' Reki added.

''C'mon, little girl, you stand no chance,'' Shadow's voice was heard over the crowd and Reki gestured for Langa and Miya to follow him to get a closer look. ''Ya sure ya wanna race against me?''

''Bring it on, old fart,'' the person spoke confidently.

The three were now standing right behind Shadow, meaning they could see the second person better. They were looking down, their hood covering their face. From what Reki could see, they had a mask covering their face. Their clothes were too big on them, so he couldn't exactly make out if It was a girl or a boy. Though, judging by the voice - and Shadow's words - they were probably a girl.

''Who're you calling old, you rascal!'' Shadow said, looking like steam was about to go off from his ears. ''Bring it on, then! Let's see how cocky you'll be after you get your ass handed to you!''

''Do you guys know the other skater?'' asked Langa in confusion.

''Never seen her before,'' Miya shrugged. ''But something about her seems familiar.''

The more Reki stared at the girl, the more he was confused. He was certain he has never seen her before - he'd remember if he did. But he was sure he's seen her somewhere. Could it be they were keeping a low profile until now?

''A newbie challenging Shadow!''

''That's exciting!''

''Shadow's going to wipe the ground with her!''

''You should back out while you still can, rookie!''

The girl, however, didn't react. She simply turned forward, facing the course, holding her skateboard at the ready, while Shadow was laughing like a maniac, knowing this was going to be an easy win.

''Hold on, girlie,'' Shadow spoke, causing the girl to face him as well. ''We gotta bet on something, don't we? If I win, I get to break your board.''

The girl tilted her head, as if looking at her board. Her grip on the wood tightened. She looked up, her eyes falling behind Shadow's figure. A silent gasp left her lips, but she quickly turned to face Shadow again. ''Fine. If I win, I get to break your board. Surely a grown baby like you can a afford a new one, no?"

Shadow snorted. ''Don't be too confident, little girl.''

She turned back to face the course, not sparing him a second glance. Shadow took position as well, a huge smirk on his face. Everyone watched, some of them laughing at the new girl who dared challenge Shadow, others cheered the latter on.

Reki, on the other hand, watched in interest. How good was she? Was Shadow really going to win? He couldn't exactly figure her out, but then again, maybe that's exactly what she wanted.

Red, red, red, red, green. The siren went off and so did the skaters.

''Yahoo! See ya at the finish line, girlie!" Shadow yelled as he took off, not sparing a glance behind himself.

That proved to not be a good idea, however, as he had started showing off without noticing how close the girl was behind him. As Shadow was yelling around and doing rock 'n' roll fingers, Y/n swiftly did a railslide at the next corner, completely catching Shadow off guard.

''Oi! The hell?'' Shadow called, but the girl paid him no mind, simply focused on getting to the finish first. ''You're ignoring me? Alright, then.''

She knew his dirty tricks. She's seen enough about him online to know he was planning throw firecrackers at her board. Slightly tilting her head to look at him, she noticed the four firecrackers in between his fingers, along with the smirk on his face.

Starting to skate in a zig-zag motion, she annoyed Shadow. He threw the firecrackers, but she quickly ollied right over them, wiping Shadow's grin. A smirk stretched on her lips, though no one could see it. ''Your dirty tricks will get you nowhere, old man!''

Reki watched the screen in amazement as the girl was acting as if she was skating against a child. She dodged and mocked Shadow, slowly but surely gaining distance between the two.

''She's good,'' Miya complimented from Reki's right. He, Langa and Reki were standing in front of the big screen the beef was being broadcast on, much like most other people were.

''Yeah, it's like she's reading his movements,'' Langa added from Reki's left.

Reki watched the screen in amazement. ''Who is she?''

Shadow had gained speed, approaching her, though it was too late. Y/n jumped over the stairs, bending her knees and leaning down, concentrating on landing perfectly.

And that's exactly what happened, pushing one last time to cross the finish.

She came to a halt, stepping down but keeping one of her feet on top of her board. Her head was down, her hood covering her face, her hands in her hoodie's pockets. She didn't come off impressed to the public, though she was smiling to herself.

The mysterious girl won.

''She beat Shadow?''

''Shadow lost?''

''The newbie won?''

Shadow stared at the girl in confusion. He'd lost? His eyebrows furrowed, a scowl taking over his face. ''Who the hell are you, kid?''

The girl simply tilted her head a bit, as if to show she was acknowledging him. ''A simple mystery. No one you shoud concern yourself with . . . for now.'' She skated off, the people in front of her parting to let her pass, each and every pair of eyes following all of her movements. She stopped for a moment, slightly tilting her head to look at him. "Also, your board? I'll spare it this time."

And then, she was gone.

Reki watched in astonishment, the only thing he managed to muster being a quiet, ''Woah.''

the girl from 's' | reki kyan x fem!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now