5 | beef

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hey besties, how was your week?

- - -

Y/n bounced her leg up and down, her eyes flying between the teacher, the board and the clock placed right above the classroom door. Just mere seconds, and she can leave. She'd have to go to football pratice, of course, but at least she wouldn't have to sit in one place anymore. The bell rang and she was the first out the door, walking towards the clubroom as quick as she could.

Maybe she was a bit too confident the other day. It was just now hitting her that she was going against a Japanese national hopeful. She was decent, yes, but would she be able to beat Miya Chinen, out of all people? Maybe her beating Shadow had been just a coincidence.

No. She couldnt think like that. Not now. It was too late for doubs already. Now, she just had to win it, right? She had to believe she could. Or else she'd make a fool out of herself, just after she'd come off so confident and good to everyone at 'S'.

She chuckled to herself. Would be funny if she lost, wouldn't it?

''Y/n, hurry up! We have a practice match to win!" Miwa called, snapping Y/n out of her dazed state.

Standing up, Y/n nodded with a grin on her face ''Yeah. We're gonna win, alright.''

Hopefully she was going to win more than one match today.

- - -

''Did she cower out or something?'' Miya spoked impatiently, one of his hands in his hoodie's pockets.

''There's still time until the beef,'' Reki said as he checked the time on his phone. ''I'm sure she'll show up. She doesn't seem like the type to back out.''

Just as he'd finished, people around started to talk, everyone's gazes staring in one general direction - Mystique had arrived.

''I thought you chickened out,'' Miya spoke, turning to face her.

Mystique came to a halt, tilting her head up so she can face the boy - her hair and mouth were covered, but her brilliant eyes were on display for the ones closer to her to see.

''Of course I didn't,'' Mystique spoke. ''Though, I was planning to be fashionably late.''

Miya rolled his eyes. ''You're being very confident.''

''Are you not confident in yourself, too, Miya?'' Y/n asked, getting in position. Reki simply watched her, interested in her attitude. She really was being very confident, but could she actually beat Miya?

''Reki, we have to step back,'' Langa said as he put a hand on Reki's shoulder.

Turning to face him, Reki nodded. ''Oh, yeah, sorry.'' The two stepped back, though his gaze never left her.

''Let's go!"

''Miya's going to put her in her place!''

''Avenge Shadow, Miya!''

''Go, Mystique!''

''Beat the kid, Mystique!''

Y/n didn't really pay attention to the comments, though she was quite surprised that there were people cheering for her. Miya was a regular here, after all, and she was just a newbie. Maybe she did impress them last time.

Red . . . Red . . . Red . . . Red . . . Green! The two took off, Miya managing to snatch the lead real quick, which caused the crowd to errupt in cheers.

''Hey, Langa, let's go to the end of the course so we can greet Miya,'' Reki said, tearing his eyes away from the screen when Mystique took the lead. Langa agreed and the two rushed towards the motorcycle.

Y/n did a railslide, in hopes of gaining more distance between her and Miya, though the boy copied her, not giving her the chance. She scoffed, pushing off to possibly gain some more speed. At the same time, she turned to look at Miya, checking where the boy was.

That proved to be a mistake as her foot ended up under her skateboard and she ended up tripping on herself. She fell down, her board flying a few meters away from her. Extending her arms in front of herself in hopes of stopping her falling, she felt sharp pain shoot through her wrist, causing her to groan quietly.

Miya passed her, a quiet snicker escaping his lips, though he couldn't help but wonder if she was okay. He didn't stop, though - it was a beef and he was going to win. ''See you at the finish line, Slime!''

Y/n glared at him as he passed, quickly picking herself and her board up, seeing as her chance to win wasn't gone yet. Miya wasn't that further ahead, so she accelerated quickly, her right, injured hand hanging by her side. She couldn't give up now.

Miya had apparently not heard her approach him, as he let out a slight gasp as she did a railslide on the curb and passed him, gaining more distance between the two than they had before. He growled in annoyance, following right after, cursing himself for not taking this seriously.

Reki and Langa took their helmets off just as Miya and Mistique arrived at the abandoned factory, both of them watching as Mystique kept the lead. Mystique was in the lead . . .?

She ollied over the stairs, the wind blowing in her face. The feeling was amazing, she felt like she was flying. The wind blew her hood back, so she was feeling the air through her hair, too. The feeling was truly amazing. She felt free.

Landing down she gave one last push, crossing the finish line first, causing the crowd to errupt in cheers.

''She did it!"

''She beat Miya, too!''

''That's crazy!''

''Good job, Mystique!''

Y/n panthed, still trying to process that she had, in fact, just beaten a Japanese national hopeful.

Reki and Langa approached the finish line, standing next to Miya, as they watched Mystique. ''Miya . . . you lost.''

''I'm well aware, Reki.''

Y/n jumped upon the mention of the famliar name, suddenly feeling exposed. She pulled her hood back over her head and turned to face the three boys. ''So, you happy now, Miya?"

''That was a good beef, even though I lost,'' Miya spoke, putting his hand out. ''You really are good, Mystique.''

''You're good, too, Miya,'' Mystique said as she shaked his right hand with her own, wincing when she felt the sharp pain shoot through her wrist. She retracted it, putting it close to her chest and holding her wrist with her left hand.

''Are you okay?'' asked Reki, noticing her action and the pain in her eyes, which were still the only visible feature of hers.

''It's fine, I just fell earlier,'' Mystique spoke, looking away from him. ''This was fun and all, but I have to go.''

''Wait!'' Miya called before she can take off. Y/n turned around to face him, one of her eyebrows quirked. ''We never bet on anything. What do I have to do?''

Mystique looked up, thinking for a moment before shrugging. ''Nothing, really. What could I possibly want from a middle schooler?'' A tick mark appeared on Miya's forehead as Y/n chuckled and skated away.

So she did manage to win two matches today, after all.

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