4 | videos

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have a thursday chapter bc i managed to finish two more chapters lmao

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Reki laid on his bed, holding his phone over his head. His room was dark, seeing as it was late, yet he couldn't sleep yet. He scrolled through Mistique's videos, observing all of them, trying to figure out something, anything.

A notification appeared on top of the screen. Reki tapped on it, reading the message he'd just received.


we're meeting tomorrow at 7, right?


alright. you heading to bed?

not yet


im watching sth

oh. skating videos?


mistique's videos

don't tell me you're trying to figure her out

im curious ok???

maybe you should just leave the girl alone

maybe i shouldn't

you sound like a stalker

im just curiousssss

you do know they say curiousity killed the cat right?

but satisfaction brought it back yk

if you say so

have fun watching your videos

don't stay up too late

says you




Reki sighed after his conversation with Langa, swiping to close the app and going back to watch the videos.

It was weird, really. He wasn't sure why he was so determined to approach her or find something out about her. She intrigued him, sure. He was really starting to feel like a stalker, yet he just couldn't stop. Who exactly was she?

His eyebrows furrowed and he inched closer to the screen.

''Is that . . .'' Is that the park Langa and I go to?

Reki shook his head. No. It wasn't possible. He was sure there were more parks that looked similar to the one he and Langa go to. Besides, it's not like he can see the whole park, right?

He turned off his phone, deciding he'd inverstigated enough for tonight. Was he being a stalker? Maybe. But he was too interested to let this go.

- - -

Y/n locked the door and breathed in the fresh air. Her parents weren't due to be back until tomorrow, she'd finished all her homework and had no practice today.

A great day to film a video, wasn't it?

She pushed off, going at a normal pace and enjoying the freedom. If only her parents weren't so against her skating, she would get to do this every day. But no, they don't. What could she do about it? She wasn't sure.

the girl from 's' | reki kyan x fem!reader ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon