16 | brother dearest

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hey besties, how was your week? i have 7 weeks left of school :,) also thank you guys for 32k reads <33

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''Hey, Y/n!" she looked up, hearing a voice she didn't expect to hear call her out - Langa was giving her a wave, whilst Reki walked silently on his side, his eyes looking everywhere but her, which was unsual.

''Hey, Langa,'' Y/n said, giving a small wave and a smile to the blue haired boy, then looked at Reki. ''Hey, Reki.''

''Hi,'' Reki said as he walked up to his locker and brought his outdoor shoes out, starting to change.

''Any plans for today?'' asked Langa as he, too, started changing his shoes.

''I have to rush home today,'' Y/n said as she tied her shoelaces. ''Apparently there's a package coming for my parents and I have to be at home to receive it.''

Langa's face fell, his eyes trailing to Reki. ''What about you, Reki?''

''I gotta go home, too,'' Reki said as he turned to his friends, swinging his backpack over his shoulder. ''I have this project I wanted to start. Sorry, I can't hang out today.''

Langa watched as the two walked towards the front doors, none of them saying a word as they parted ways. He sighed, realizing they must've still been awkward about their kiss two days ago.

What a pain those next few days would be.

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Y/n licked her ice-cream as her eyes remained focused on the show playing on the TV in front of her - the same one she'd started with Reki when she slept over at his house . . . when they kissed.

Shaking her head, she decided that she didn't want to think about it. She was sure Reki was regretting it by now, since he's barely talked with her or texted her the past few days, which was unusual, considering he would be spamming her most of the time. But then again, she didn't make an effort to talk to him, either.

She was really starting to miss him, and it's only been two days.

The doorbell rang, shaking her out of her thoughts. A sigh left her lips as she stood up from the couch and walked over to the door, ready to receive the package she was forced to come home earlier for.



Blinking once, twice, three times, Y/n couldn't believe her eyes. ''Hiro? Hiro!''

The two embraced each other tightly - it had been a good few months since they last saw each other, after all. ''Not so tight, Y/n!'' Hiro said, feeling the pressure on his rips caused by his sister.

''Sorry!'' Y/n apologized as she let her brother inside the house, closing the door behind the two. ''What are you doing here? I didn't know you're visiting.''

''I mean, it was supposed to be a surprise,'' Hiro spoke as he took his shoes off and placing them neatly on the rack. ''I talked with Mom and Dad and knew how much they're traveling recently, so I came to keep you some company since I don't have that much homework this weekend.''

Y/n smiled at her brother, the house suddenly feeling fuller than before - it hadn't felt like that ever since he left for university. She started walking further into the house, heading back towards the couch, expecting her brother to follow her. When she realized she couldn't hear his footsteps, though, she turned around to see him looking at something. Once she realized what it was, her blood ran cold.

''Hiro, I-''

''You still skate?'' Hiro asked as he picked up her board from next to the door, which she had forgotten to put away, since she knew her parents wouldn't be home for a few days. She scolded herself for being so reckless. ''That's cool.''

Her eyes widened, expecting her brother to scold her - after all, he didn't want her to end up in the same state as him. ''Yeah . . . I do.''

Hiro looked up at her. ''And Mom and Dad don't know?''

Y/n shook her head. ''Of course they don't. They wouldn't let me skate if they knew.''

''Rebelious, I see,'' he said as he put her board back down and made his way towards the couch, sitting himself down and checking the TV screen, the show she'd been watching previously still ongoing. ''Where do you skate, even?''

''Well, sometimes just at the ramps at the park and such . . . there's also this place,'' Y/n said as she sat down next to him and propped her legs up on the table. ''I don't know if you know it. It's called 'S' and it's-''

''You're skating at 'S'?'' Hiro asked, his mood switching, confusing Y/n.

''You know 'S'?'' Y/n asked in curiousity.

''Of course I know 'S', I used to compete there,'' Hiro explained before looking down at his leg, a moment of silence following. ''That's where I fell.''

Y/n looked down at his right foot, too, remembering the day her parents got called in the hospital because of him, but she never knew the whole truth. ''Was it a beef?''

''Yeah,'' Hiro said, a sigh leaving his lips. ''I got too cocky and went against Adam.''

Her eyes widened. Adam? Adam was the one who ruined her brother's whole career? Out of everyone? The guy who stalks her? What kind of coincidence was that?

''You look bothered, do you know him?'' asked Hiro, looking at his sister's expression.

''I've heard of him. My friends have gone against him before,'' Y/n explained, avoiding mentioning that Adam knew her, too.

''You have skater friends? Who would've thought,'' Hiro laughed, causing Y/n to pout and look away.

''Of course I have,'' Y/n said she crossed her arms in front of her chest. ''Langa and . . . Reki are great. I've had so much fun skateboarding ever since I met them.''

It was better before, Y/n had concluded at the moment. When there were no romantic feelings involved, when she didn't feel all warm inside when Reki was around, when they hadn't kissed in the middle of the night on his bed. It's been three days of not talking and Y/n already missed him dearly.

Then again, she didn't mind the feelings she felt as much as she wished she did.

Had their friendship been ruined for good? Only time will tell.

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