24 | the board with the raven

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i couldn't wait until tomorrow besties, can't believe this is the last chapter :,)

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Reki's tongue was sticking out as he held the paintbrush over the board, trying his best to keep his hand steady in order to properly apply the finer details of the skull he was drawing - an order from Shadow, who'd recently broken his own board while using firecrackers in a beef. He wanted to laugh at the memory, remembering to show the video to Y/n when they went out later today.

She'd said the day before she had something to tell him, and he couldn't help but wonder what. Was it bad? Was it good? He was feeling anxious, but at the same time, how bad can it be?

A knock of the door caused him to shriek and draw a line right across the skull, causing him to shriek again at the sight of his ruined creation. He turned around, trotting over to the door of his workshop ready to scold one of his sisters, who'd probably ignored the sign saying 'WORKING, DO NOT DISTURB' on the door - or they simply couldn't read it, considering two out of three still couldn't read.

''Nanaka, I swear to God-''

He cut himself off upon opening the door and seeing her stand in front of it. ''You know, Y/n, when Shadow asks me why I'm delaying his board, I'm gonna blame it on you.''

Y/n groaned in annoyance. ''What did I do now?''

Reki led her inside the shed and pointed towards the board, the white skull having a gray line going right through it. Y/n laughed at the sight. ''If anything, I'm glad I'm the cause for fucking up old man Shadow's board - that's what he gets for cheating.''

''You're mean,'' Reki said as he moved his things from from the second chair so Y/n can sit down if she wished to do so. ''Why did you come here so early, anyway? Weren't we meeting up later?''

A smile started breaking on her face. ''Well, I just couldn't wait to tell you.''

Reki quirked an eyebrow. ''Tell me what? Is it good news? You look happy.''

She approached him and grabbed one of his hands in both of hers, her eyes almost sparkling. ''Wanna go to 'S' with me today? It can be a date!''

''A date sounds awesome, we haven't gone out in . . .'' Reki trailed off, his eyes blinking once, twice, three times before he spoke again. ''Wait, 'S'?''

Y/n nodded eagerly. ''Yup! Shadow challenged me to a beef, so I gotta go kick his ass again, you know? It's been a while since he's been put in his place, so I gotta go and do it myself.''

Reki was still confused. ''But, your parents . . .?''

Her eyes widened. ''Oh! Yeah, I forgot! So, I've been keeping this from you because I wanted it to be a surprise, but . . . today, I officially moved in with my brother.''

''What?'' Reki asked in surprise, a smile breaking on his lips in excitement. ''That's amazing! Awesome! Dope! Does that mean . . .?''

''I demand my skateboard back, boyfriend dearest,'' Y/n said as she tapped his nose, looking around the workshop in hopes of spotting it somewhere - though, he probably kept it somewhere else.

Before he moved to dig out her skateboard, however, Reki wrapped his arms tightly around her, his grin never leaving his face. ''We can finally have those aesthetic skate dates! I am winning today!''

''That's the one thing you care about?'' Y/n laughed as she hugged him tightly, before pulling away enough to be face to face with him. ''Now, where'd you hide it?''

''Eager, aren't we?'' Reki said before pressing a quick peck on her lips then pulled away, walking over to one of the shelves and grabbing a box that was laid on top - the word 'Mystique' written on it with Reki's messy handwriting.

He pushed Shadow's new board to the side of his worktable, putting the box on top of it and cutting the tape with a cardboard cutter and opening it, bringing out the board Y/n hadn't seen in over a year.

''It's just a pretty as back then,'' Y/n said as she took it from Reki, observing the beautifully drawn raven on the back of the board - Reki must've put a lot of work in that board back then. ''My baby.'' She hugged the board to her chest, ignoring the rubbing of the grip tape.

''Wasn't I your baby?''

''Now's not the time, Reki.''

Reki sighted, taking back the board from her grasp, casuing her to protest. ''I just have to make sure it's properly tuned, woman! Have some patience!''

Y/n sighed as she sat down on the chair Reki had previously freed and watched him as he put away the cardboard and put her board on the table, bringing out a few tools for help. Her eyes trailed to Shadow's abandoned board, the one Reki had to repaint.

''You want me to try fixing Shadow's board? I do have a beef with him later, so he's gonna need the board.''

Reki stopped for a moment, looking at her with doubt. ''Are you sure?''

''Are you doubting my artist skills?''

''Yes, I very much am.''

''Rude!'' Y/n scowled and rested her crossed arms on top of the table.

Reki chuckled, going back to checking her board. ''Don't worry, it'll be a quick fix anyway - and your board is done as well.''

Y/n took the board again and took a look at it before putting it down to rest against the leg of the table. She practically threw herself at Reki, wrapping her arms around his neck, laughter filling her. ''I love you so much, Reki.''

Reki smiled, lifting her up to sit on the chair behind her so she could wrap her legs around his waist, then pressed his lips to her, causing her to laugh inbetween. ''I love you so much, too, Y/n. To infinty, right?''

''Of course it's to infinity,'' Y/n said - she's going to get wrinkles one day from smiling so much because of Reki. Though, if she were honest, she didn't really mind. ''Now, go fix Shadow's board so we can go skate together finally.''

Reki nodded as she detangled herself from him, pulling Shadow's board closer to himself again and sat down on the chair, picking up his brush again.

He felt arms wrap around his back and turned around, seeing Y/n resting against his back, her eyes closed. ''What're you doing?''

''Don't mind me, just keep on working, babe, I wanna skate,'' Y/n said, not opening her eyes as she answered him.

Reki chuckled and turned back around, dipping his paintbrush in the white paint to correct the places where he messed up from his fright, enjoying Y/n's arms around his stomach in the process.

When he first saw her skating videos, he thought she was cool. When he saw her at 'S' for the first time, he thought she was cooler. But now, as she stood behind him, waiting for him to finish so they could go out and spend some time together, he thought she was the coolest.

Never in a million years would he have thought he'd fall so deeply in love with a mystery, with Mystique, with the girl from 'S'.

the girl from 's' | reki kyan x fem!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now