11 | beating

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hey besties, here's a wednesday chapter bc why not. writer's block has been hitting me hard i hate it here

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Y/n didn't dare let go of Reki's sleeve on the way home. After Adam's appearance at 'S', Reki had decided to walk Y/n home and make sure she was okay, as she seemed very shaken. It was understable, really - his words sounded very much like a pedophile's.

Reki remembered when Adam was obsessed with Langa. He didn't need a repeat of that.

''We're here, Y/n,'' Reki said, snapping Y/n out of her dazed state. They were, indeed, already in front of her house, and Reki was patiently waiting for her to unlock the front door.

''Oh, right.'' She took her keys out of her pocket, unlocking the front door and walking in. She let Reki follow her after, the boy unsure of what to say to console her. She walked over to the couch in the living room, sitting down on it and pulling her feet to her chest. Reki was left with no other choice but sitting next to her in silence.

''Thanks for walking me home,'' Y/n mumbled, her eyes creating holes in the coffee table in front of her.

Reki nodded as he played with his fingers. ''No problem.''

There was a moment of silence before Y/n spoke again. ''Who was that guy?''

''Adam's one of the creators of 'S', along with Cherry Blossom and Joe,'' Reki explained, looking at from the corner of his eye. ''He used to be obsessed with Langa before.''

''He was?'' Y/n asked, turning her head slightly to look at Reki. ''That's so . . . weird. He sounded like a pedophile. And what's with that 'Eve' talk?''

''I wish I knew.'' Reki shrugged.

Another moment of silence. ''You don't have to stay here, you know?''

''Are you sure you'll be okay if I go, though?'' Reki asked, now fully turning to face her. ''You seemed pretty shaken up earlier.''

She hesitated before answering. ''I think . . . I think I'll be fine. Thanks, Reki.''

He gave her a cheeky smile, causing her chest to feel weird. ''Of course! Do you . . . want to hang out tomorrow?''

''Yeah,'' she said, giving him a nod. ''I'd like that.''

Once she'd sent Reki off, Y/n locked the door twice, turning around and looking at all the windows. She made sure all the blinds were pulled down tightly, letting no cracks in them. Once ready for bed, she got under the covers, pulling them over her head.

There was a grown man 'wacthing' her. Calling her 'his Eve'. Wanting to beef with her. It creeped her out to no end. Horror movies couldn't even compare to that.

Her hand left the covers, touching around her bedside table and snatching her phone quickly. She winced at the light when she pressed the screen, then quickly went to her contacts, her finger hovering over a certain number.

She's only known Reki for a few weeks - sure, she's seen him around before and they'd went to the same middle school, but they had never talked before 'S'. They've been friends for a short while, but Y/n already considered him one of her closest people. She liked Langa, too, but something about Reki made her feel safe.

But did Reki think the same of her? Was she going to bother him if she called? Would he get annoyed by her?

No. Reki wasn't like that. Right?

''Hello?'' Reki's voice filled her ears just three rings after she'd called. ''Y/n? Are you okay?''

''So, uh, maybe I'm not okay on my own,'' Y/n admitted shamelessly - if she were to get murdered tonight, she wanted at least one person to know.

''Should I come back?'' asked Reki from the other side of the line.

''No, you don't have to,'' Y/n dismissed him. She didn't want to burden him any more. ''But can you . . . stay on the phone with me? Just for a little bit. I still feel kind of paranoid.''

''I'll stay as long as you want me to, no worries,'' Reki reassured her, and Y/n could practically see the smile on his face at the moment.

''Okay,'' Y/n said. ''Thank you, really.''

''You say thank you a lot,'' Reki pointed out. ''It's what friends do, you don't need to thank me.''

Friends. Yeah. ''Yeah, sorry,'' she chuckled. ''So . . . what're you doing?''

''I just got home and I'm laying in bed,'' Reki said. ''You?''

''Hiding under the covers,'' Y/n admitted.

There was faint shuffling on the other side of the line. ''Maybe I really should come over again.''

''Reki, it's okay!'' Y/n exclaimed. ''I'm fine, now that we're talking.''

''Okay, okay,'' he said and there was more shuffling - did he lay back down on his bed? ''So, what do you want to talk about?''

Y/n shrugged, though realized he couldn't see her. ''Whatever, really. I don't care.''

''Okay, uh . . . how's the football team?'' Reki asked in hopes of distracting her.

''Fine, I guess. We start training camp on Monday,'' Y/n explained, turning on her other side.

''Training camp? So, you won't be at school?'' Reki asked.

''Yeah, for a week,'' Y/n confirmed. ''You won't be blessed with my presence for a week, how woud you survive?''

Reki laughed. ''Yeah, I wonder,'' he said, before a silent gasp escaped his lips. ''I just remembered! Let me tell you about this new anime I started!''

Y/n listened closely as Reki explained the plot to her as spoiler-free as he could. She checked the time, the numbers on her phone reading 1:28 a.m. It was late, but she didn't want to end her conversation with Reki yet.

His voice was soothing - it was smooth and he sounded so excited about the series he was telling her about, trying to convince her to watch it, too. Tiredness washed over her body and her eyelids suddenly felt heavier by the minute. She let them close, Reki's voice lulling her to sleep.

''. . . you know, the protagonist kind of reminds me of you, in a way. You're both so cool!'' Reki admitted after his ramble about the amazing series. He waited for a response, suddenly realizing that Y/n hadn't said anything in a while. ''Y/n? Are you there?''

He listened closely, only to hear silent, slow breaths. Did she fall asleep? he asked himself and chuckled upon realizing that, yes, she had fallen asleep on the phone. ''You really fell asleep on me,'' Reki chuckled at the thought, though he was more than glad that she felt comfortable enough to fall asleep on a call with him. ''Good night, Y/n. Sweet dreams.''

The call ended as he pressed the red button, his eyes lingering on his screen, though not looking at any app in particular. He felt slightly giddy, having stayed with her on a call until so late.

Plugging his phone in its charger, he laid back down and looked up, though he could barely see anything in the darkness. He was worried for her, knowing how creepy Adam could be, but at least she sounded a bit better now.

His hand flew on top of his chest, feeling his heart beating quicker than usual. He chuckled. It felt like he'd just won a beef.


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