Chapter 17

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Before evening,



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Sana: What are you doing here ?

Jk: First you tell me what are you doing?

Sana:This is my Appa's land and we can come here anytime we want.Wait !Did you come here for smoking?(with detective looks)

Jk : Ah ! Don't I have other works?Why will I always be smoking.And I've been not smoking after you threw water on me.I stopped smoking

Sana :(smiled)Would you like walk over here with me?

Jk: Yes !(Said with a smile)

Sana : Follow me !

Jungkook and Sana spend a lot of time together.When they were returning ,they saw a man with barrow .Sana then noticed that it was a booth.

She was very glad but at the same time she was little sad because she didn't bring any money with her.

???: What do u wanna take? I have lots of goods like  _

Sana : Miane! I'll not but today .
(After saying she started walking forward)

At her way ,
She looked back to glance at Jungkook. Because she was talking and Jk was not giving any reply.But she saw Jk is not with him.

Sana: Jungkookshi? Jungkookshi? Is he lost?

She then went back to find him but in her way she found Jungkook coming towards her .

Sana : Jungkookshi? Where were you ? And what are you eating?

Jungkook:Take this ! (While eating)

Sana: (While taking the bag) What are these?

Jungkook ; Gifts !

Sana: Gifts?

Jungkook: gift for saving my life and for being my  friend.

Sana: Then take this !

Jk: Why?

Sana : I don't want any gifts .

Jk : please!

Sana ; No !

Jk: So you didn't accept me as friend ! I'm hurt !

Sana: Jungkookshi !

Jk : Plzzzzzzzzzzz (with a smile)

Sana : Ok ....Ok.....Promise me one thing.

Jk: I 'll not smoke !Okay ?

Sana : Ah! I was talking about another promise.

Jk: What ?

Sana:You will be always be my friend and will come to meet me sometimes if the case will end.

Jk: I promise.....

I was thinking to take you with me forever.(He said the last line while eating)

Sana: Huh? What did you say ?

Jk: Nothing ! Let's go back!

Jk: Nothing ! Let's go back!

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