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Introducing BTS:

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Introducing BTS:

In 70's there were a group of paranormal investigators and author associated with prominent cases of hauntings.The group was named BTS.There are 7 members.Two of them were technologist but later on they joined paranormal investigation.4 of  them studied demonology.
Demonology is the study of demons or belief about demons and the hierarchy of demons .They have solved many cases but those cases were not very difficult for them.Most of the cases were related with sung suicide.

1)Kim Namjoon

 Paranomal investigator

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. Paranomal investigator
. Have the best IQ
. Leader
. Siblings: Seokjin and Taehyung.

2)Kim Seokjin


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. Techonologist
. Coward
. He shows everyone that he is brave but actually he's not.

. Have 2 younger brothers:Namjoon              and Taehyung.

3)Min Yoongi

 Just an investigator

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. Just an investigator

. Brave and cold.

. Very fast at finding proof or solutions.

. Savage

. No siblings

4)Jung Hoseok


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. Technologist
. Born in a rich family
. The most coward
. No siblings
. Always keep smiling but whenever his group starts solving cases with him , his smile fade away because he's coward.

. His marriage is fixed with a girl name Jiaqi.They have age gaps but still they don't have problem because they love each other.

5)Park Jimin

 Paranormal investigator

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. Paranormal investigator
. Had few knowledge about new technology.
. Cool minded
. Sibling : Park Jihyo

6)Kim Taehyung

 Paranormal investigator

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. Paranormal investigator
. Loves to meditate
. Can see or feel  spirits and forsee future
. Because of his past incident he studied on demons.
. Siblings: Namjoon and Seokjin.

7)Jeon Jungkook

 Also paranormal investigator

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. Also paranormal investigator
. Physically strongest than other members.
. No siblings.

They all were well-knowed because of their works But their work was going harder day by day.So they  wants assistance technologist and simple investigator.


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