Chapter 5

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Namjoon:Did everyone take all  of their equipment?

Everyone:Yes!(except hobi)

Hoseok:We can go there at morning too but why are we visiting now ?

Jungkook:Hyung ! Don't worry! Everything will be fine.

Hoseok:I hope so.

At the way,

Mr.landlord: Then we have to go-(cut by Tae)

Taehyung:right then left in front of the old church.Am I right?

MR.landlord: right!  How did you know?


Jimin: It's God gifted power!

Jihyo:That means you can foresee !


Jihyo:Wow! It's amazing!

MR.landlord: That means you need to meditate everyday!

Taehyung:Nae , But who used to live at the old mansion?

MR.landlord:Nobody knows .It's a mystery!I can't go anymore now.

Namjoon:Why ? What happened?

MR.landlord:I have a work . You all go!

Jimin:  But-

MR.landlord: please!!


Hoseok: Please take me with you sir!!

Jungkook grab Hoseok's wrist and started walking towards the old mansion-

Yoongi: This is the old mansion...

Namjoon:Let's enter!

The mansion has a big garden.There were barricades and one old gate which looked very dirty and old.

There were barricades and one old gate which looked very dirty and old

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Seokjin:It's locked !Let's go back!

Jimin:I have the keys.The landowner gave me at the morning.

The landowner gave me at the morning

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Hoseok:This are too old.

Jungkook:Give me !!I'll open!

Jungkook opened it and they stepped forward and the wind hitted them.

Jimin:Hyungs I saw something on that big tree.

Yoongi:Let's go and check there then.

There was a big tree at the mansion's garden area.And beside the tree there was a well.That looks too old.

They checked there,but there was nothing like that but suddenly Taehyung felt something so he stepped towards the well and glanced over it.And he was shocked..

Taehyung gasped

Hoseok:What's wrong?

They all went towards the well and glanced over it.

The well was not filled with water.There were lots of dead dormice.Dormice are like mice but they are smaller than a mice .

Yoongi:It's three -four feet down.I think so!

Seokjin: I think like this case will be our most hardest case of our all cases.

Jungkook:Yah!And we have to solve it together no matters whatever will happen?

Hoseok:Omo!I'm feeling dizzy after watching this!

Yoongi:Stop your drama and let's enter the house.

Everyone nodded except Hoseok.


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