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It was a knock that roused Win from a heavy sleep. Deep dark eyes opened, only to immediately shut when exposed to the lighting of the room, and he groaned in annoyance as he sat up. There was a subtle crick in his neck from an odd sleeping position on the couch arm, and one glance at the television confirmed the movie he'd been watching had long since been over.
The knock sounded again.
"Yeah, yeah," Win mumbled to himself, swinging his legs over the side of the couch to stand and make his way to the front door, rubbing his eyes along the way. He knew it was too early for Bright to get home, and he hoped Phukong wasn't going to ask to crash at his house.. again. Win understood the brunette brother and his little caramel-skinned foreign boyfriend were trying to get their life on track, and Win knew Bright would help Phukong in any way possible when it came down to it. It's not that he didn't enjoy spending time with them, in fact he got along with them, just that after buying a humble little abode just for Bright and himself, he really didn't like sharing!
The person behind the door was neither of them, however. Mike stood on the porch, still in his business suit though it looked a bit disheveled, holding a folder in the crook of his arm.
"Hey Win," Mike greeted casually, offering a short grin that looked a bit off compared to his tired eyes, "Bright home yet?"
Win had first met Mike a week after Bright had moved out of his penthouse suite. The raven was skeptical over someone who still worked under Mr. Vachirawit, but all Bright's old employee would do was brief him on what was going on in his family, including passing along messages from Mrs. Vachirawit. Surely this was one of those days.
"No, it'll still be about an hour and a half until he comes back," Win replied, jumping to attention when a loud sneeze tore through the man in front of him.
"Ah.. I'm sorry. Would you mind if I waited here? I'm actually.. feeling a little dizzy," Mike admitted, looking rather embarrassed by scratching the back of his head. Win agreed the man didn't look very well, and inwardly frowned at the possibility of the sickness spreading, but opened the door wider regardless. Though he felt a little guilty for doing so, Win watched Mike's every move. That lingering pinch of doubt would always be present in the back of his mind.
"Want some tea?" Win offered as Mike slipped off his shoes. Mike put a hand on his forehead as he staggered past Win.
"Yeah, that'd be..."
The raven really was not expecting Mike to fall forward and dive face-first into the floor.
"Shia!" Win exclaimed, on his knees beside Mike in a second. He grabbed hold of Mike's arm and pushed, rolling the man over. Mike looked fast asleep, and one touch to his forehead confirmed the abnormal heat radiating off his body. A fever, no doubt. Win groaned, "What the hell? Why would you even come over if you're feeling sick?"
The raven knelt there for a moment, wondering what he should do. Was this extreme enough to call a doctor?
Then Mike snored, and the entire urgency of the situation seemed humorous.
"Really..." Win said with a light chuckle, sprinting to the kitchen where he grabbed a cold wet cloth and a glass of water. In the next few minutes, Win had striped Mike of his jacket and shirt, and the cool cloth was on his head. He was inconveniently sprawled in the middle of the walkway, but there was no way Win was going to even attempt dragging him over to the couch.
It was in the second Win turned to walk away that a melody rang through the air. Win looked down at Mike's vibrating pocket, hesitating for a split second before swooping down to fish for the phone. It was definitely not going to be his fault if Mike missed some ultra important call that could get him fired.
The number he saw on the display made him grin.
Placing the phone on his ear, he lowered his voice to a husky whisper, "Hey sexy~"
There was silence on the other end, before the dial-tone reached Win's ears. Win laughed, ending the call and waiting. Sure enough, the phone rang again.
"You make me sad, hanging up on me like that."
"... Win?" Bright's voice asked, sounding thoroughly confused.
"The one and only!" Win exclaimed.
"...Why the hell do you have Mike's phone?"
"Funny story, but your friend is currently sleeping on our living room floor."
"... I don't even want to know. Damn."
"Did you need something, Bright?"
"Well, the car broke down again," Bright said in irritation. The little car Bright had bought to get him around was best described as a lemon. The thing sputtered and died whenever it felt like it, "I was going to ask Mike to pick me up."
"You really need to learn how to read train routes," Win chuckled, and heard the sharp exhale of breath on the other side. The raven fished around Mike's pockets more, until he pulled out a ring of keys, ".. you know, I could pick you up!"
"... you don't even have a license."
"Aw, come on, I want to drive that baby! You need help, right~?" Win whined.
"I can get someone else to-"
"... you're like a child sometimes, you know that?"
"I don't mind, if it gets me what I want."
Bright chuckled.
"Fine. But I'll hurt you if Mike's car is damaged."
"You wouldn't hurt a fly," Win teased before hanging up. Jiggling the keys, Win looked down at the sleeping man, "Hope you don't mind!"
Bright sat on the curb, absentmindedly flicking pebbles with his fingers as he waited for Win's arrival. The sun had almost completely set, leaving a faint glow across the darkening skies, though the beauty of it was disturbed by the artificial lighting surrounding him. He looked at his watch for the umpteenth time, sighing. Win driving without a license, and the probability of him getting lost, was making him worried. He tried to assure himself that Win knew this town way more than he did.
"Bright?" Bright looked over his shoulder. Drake stood there, one hand holding a briefcase and the other buried in his pocket. He looked to be leaving work, "What are you still doing here?"
"Ah, waiting for my ride," Bright admitted sheepishly.
"I can take you home if you'd like," Drake offered, to which Bright shook his head.
"No thank you, Win will definitely be here."
Drake maneuvered so he could open his briefcase and shifted through it.
"I was actually going to talk to you about something tomorrow, so why don't we do this now?" Drake asked. With his interest piqued, Bright stood and watched as Drake shuffled papers around.
"I hope I'm not in trouble?" Bright asked with a small smile.
"Of course not. The opposite, actually," Drake promised, finally finding the paper he wanted and handing it out to Bright, "The proposal for the Suppassits. I want you to handle it."
Bright's eyes widened. This was a big account. It would surely mean a promotion if he didn't screw it up.
"Thanks a lot," Bright said with a wide grin, "I could definitely deal with the ability to get a better car."
"The deadline is Thursday. Make it good," Drake spoke with a polite sternness.
"Of course."
"Have you heard about Mr. Vachirawit's new right-hand man?" Drake prompted. Bright's grin dimmed.
"Yeah, some Jumpol guy," Bright said disdainfully, shrugging his shoulders, "Probably more of the kind of son he wanted than Phukong and I would ever be, so I guess that's how things go. Whoever he is, the bastard is lucky to suddenly be the one to inherit the company."
Drake chuckled.
Headlights announced Win's arrival, the red corvette rolling up to the curb.
"I'll see you tomorrow, then, Bright," Drake said. Bright nodded in affirmation, watching Win get out of the driver's side and walk around the car.
"Hey," Bright said with a grin, wrapping an arm around Win's shoulders and leaving a quick kiss on his forehead, "Thanks for driving here."
Win smiled at him before turning to Drake.
"Win," Drake gave him a short nod.
"Hi. .. how's your wife?" Win said a bit awkwardly. One would think the phrase would be said bitterly, but the question held nothing but innocence. Drake smiled gratefully.
"She's doing well, and I hear you are too. Bright has a big job to get done by Thursday, don't distract him too much, hm?"
A grin made its way up Win's lips.
"Sure," Win agreed, and waved before he ducked into the passenger side. When both doors were shut and Drake was walking away, Win sighed and closed his eyes, leaning back into the seat, "Still so awkward."
Bright glanced at him from the corner of his eye as he put the car in Drive.
"As long as awkwardness is all it is," Bright said pointedly. Win cast him a playful glare.
"You know it is." He found it oddly when Bright did that.
"So tell me what happened to Mike."
"He dropped by to talk to you and passed out. Literally. Seems like he had a fever, so I tended to him. He's still sprawled out on our floor though."
"Such generous hospitality."
"You really think I could have dragged that guy and then lifted him onto the couch?"
Bright chuckled, "No. No, I guess not."
"What about this big job of yours?"
"Possible promotion on the line."
Win grinned widely, "That's great~!"
"Thanks, remind me again when do you start college?"
"In a week. I just hope it doesn't take up too much of my time," Win replied, eyes roaming over the interior of the car. The same tan and black color scheme of the dashboard, the inky blackness of night, Bright in the driver's seat... Win grinned nostalgically, "Hey, we met in this thing, you know?"
Bright glanced over at him again.
"...such an irritating night," Bright replied, eyes dancing with mirth. The pout Win attempted to achieve melted into a smile as he ran his hand over the interior.
"How much did I ask you for again?" Win asked with a chuckle.
"Twenty-five thousand baht," Bright said immediately.
"Haha, such a quick answer!"
"How could I forget something like that?"
"Hm, guess so," Win sighed contentedly, sinking further back into the seat. The raven gazed freely at Bright's face, watching the streetlights flash on and off his skin as they drove. He wasn't even aware of the small smile that stayed glued to his face as he observed, too preoccupied with the way his chest still buzzed no matter many times he looked at the handsome man.
"Do you have something to say or is staring at me just amusing to you?" Bright broke the silence. Grin widening, Win shifted and leaned his body across the space separating their seats, poking a finger into Bright's arm. He then dragged the finger down the length of that arm, feeling the stiff texture of the brunette's suit under his fingertip.
"Just admiring your sexiness," Win replied easily, to which Bright just huffed. Win continued to draw invisible curving patterns along Bright's arm, eyes following his own finger's movements. He wished his lover wasn't wearing the thick blazer, so he could feel the warmth and muscle he was so used to. Leaning further over still, Win's hand dropped to skim over the silky slacks covering Bright's legs. This material was looser and more easy to manipulate, bunching into Win's palm when he flexed his hand, and offering a smooth surface for his hand to travel up and over Bright's leg to dip down into-
The journey of Win's hand was promptly halted when Bright's elbow came down on it.
"I'm driving," Bright berated, though the quick flash of tongue to wet his lips was all Win needed to see that his little show was effective.
"Prude," Win shot the insult they both knew wasn't valid any longer, but it still served its purpose.
"I don't feel like putting my life or your life in danger tonight," Bright chuckled, nudging the hand away. With a soft disappointed sigh, Win drew back into his seat, wondering how long it was until they got back home. Staring at the dashboard while he thought this, however, made another thought spring into his mind, one that sent a wicked gleam through his eyes.
"Hm, Bright. I just remembered something else from the night we met," Win began, and without further ado, swung his legs up onto the dashboard and spread them wide, "I said I wanted to get fucked in this car~"
Bright held in a groan. His lower regions had already responded to the raven's not-so-innocent touches, and now Win was just making it worse. Why couldn't he at least wait until they got home for things like this?
"This is Mike's car," Bright said, trying to make a point.
"This is a car to be smexed up in," Win rebuttled, throwing his lover's 'point' off a cliff.
"What is so appealing about doing it in this car?"
"Well we're just about out of new places to do so in the house, hm?" Win hummed, delighted to see the red hue creep onto Bright's face, "And like I said, this is where we first met! You're happy you met me, aren't you~?"
"Like you need to ask me that."
"And you want to make sure I'm happy, right~?"
"You're pushing it."
Win swung his legs back down and leaned over the middle again, sliding his hand between Bright's thighs before the man could even react.
"Hmm Bright," Win said in a purr, running his palm back and forth over the definite bulge in Bright's pants. Bright let out a shaky breath, doing double time to focus on the road rather than the prodding pressure rubbing against him.
"When we get home," Bright spoke curtly, though made no move to remove Win's hand.
"Mike is there," Win whispered, stretching further, nudging his forehead against Bright's leg. He felt his lover unconsciously part his legs and smirked, nuzzling himself into the brunette's lap and unzipping the slacks. Using one hand to balance himself on the seat, and the other to reach into the pants and pull out Bright's hardening arousal, Win felt a zing of excitement race up his spine before rolling his curious tongue over the pink head.
"Win.." Bright whispered above him, the aroused tone spurring the raven on. He took the arousal in his mouth, hollowing his cheeks to make it fit like a glove, and bobbed his head purposefully slow. He felt a hand come down on his head gently, fingers raking through his hair, and he hummed in response, taking the dick deep in his throat, ".. damn it, Win."
Win felt the car slow down, and braced himself when it turned. He left Bright to deal with the car situation and breathed in Bright's own musky scent as he twirled his tongue around the hot dick and lapped leisurely at the underside. Using his hand, he pulled the skin down taught before a rather harsh suck on the head, one that received a short moan from the driver. He slipped the member back into his mouth just before he felt the brunette hitting the breaks. An arm swung over him to put the car in park, and Win pulled back from his treat to look out the window curiously. They looked to be stopped in the parking lot of an abandoned building.
" Was I that distracting?" Win asked playfully. Bright sent him an incredulous look before placing his hand on the back of Win's head and pulling him forward into a kiss. Win moaned, thrilled upon getting the attention he'd been vying for, and carefully maneuvered himself toward Bright's side of the car. They broke their kiss just long enough for Win to crawl over and settle in the brunette's lap, legs on either side of Bright's lap, before reconnecting their lips in a lustful frenzy.
"This is.. haah.." Bright started, shivering as Win nibbled on his lower lip, ".. kind of crazy."
Win smirked and ran his hands down the sides of Bright's face, down his neck, and into his blazer as he pulled the thing off. Bright helped him, pulling his arms out of the piece of clothing before his hands settled on the hips straddling him.
"Afraid of being seen?" Win whispered against his lips, readily accepting the tongue that darted out of Bright's mouth and plunged into his own. The kisses were wet and hot and needy, and Win insistently pulled at the tie around Bright's neck. Bright's hands were too busy to deal with his tie, diving underneath the material of Win's shirt and sliding up the smooth skin of Win's back.
"We could get charged for public indecency," Bright spoke when they parted. Win just hummed, nuzzling his cheek against Bright's and dipping his hands down to unbutton Bright's pants all the way.
"If we fog up these windows, no one can see us, hm?" Win mumbled in his ear, scraping his teeth over Bright's earlobe as he moved his hands to unbutton his own pants. Images of just how they could fog up said windows made Bright's stomach stir pleasantly. He tilted his head to suck on the delicate skin of Win's neck, and sucked hard, surely leaving a possessive mark. Win whimpered at the rough treatment as he pulled his pants down as much as he could, which proved difficult in this position. But it was enough to free his aching dick, and he wasted no time sliding down Bright's lap and wrapping a hand around both of their members.
"Ah..!" Bright jolted in surprise, dropping his gaze to stare at the hand pumping their touching arousals, ".. damn.."
Swallowing harshly and trying to keep his hips from bucking up into the delicious sensation, Bright wrapped his palm around their dicks as well, brushing against Win's hand as he joined the rhythm.
"Ah hah.. keep doing that.." Win said breathlessly, his belly quivering at the sparks of pleasure soaring through him, moving his hand faster. Bright felt his hand become wet as dribbles of precum slid down their dicks, and his eyelids flickered before he leaned his body closer and stole the raven's lips again. Tongues met and battled, more heat accumulating in their lower bellies, and Win leaned back when he realized his body was slowly becoming like jello, feeling the steering wheel dig into his back. Bright panted into Win's mouth, slowing his strokes to dig a finger into Win's slit, making the raven cry out. Blinded by pleasure, Win leaned back even further, unaware of what he was leaning against until it was too late.
Win's back had dug into the button on the wheel, and both men jumped when the car horn beeped loudly. Win sprang forward with wide eyes, clutching Bright's shoulders. Bright held his breath for a moment, trying to realize what just happened, and met Win's eyes before laughter bubbled from his mouth.
"Idiot," Bright chuckled breathlessly. Win tried to calm his raging heartbeat and halfheartedly glared at the man in front of him.
"Mmmrph," Win moaned, irritated. He began moving, hopping out of Bright's lap but never letting go of the front of Bright's shirt, "Come on this side."
Bright made to follow, and Win took that as assurance enough to let go of Bright's shirt and plop back into the passenger's seat, a hand clumsily groping on the side of the seat for the lever that would make the seat go back. Bright crawled over to the passenger side just as the back of the seat swung backwards, and Win ran his hands possessively over the man now towering over him. They kissed again, Bright's hand taking hold of the bottom of Win's shirt and pulling it up onto his chest, just until hardened pink nipples were exposed. With a swipe of his tongue, Bright pulled back from the kiss and bent his back to reach the little nubs, Win moaning as they were gently tugged on by Bright's teeth. Now in a better position, Win tugged down on his pants, wiggling them off to join his shoes on the floor board. Bright's hand ventured down that pale chest and taught stomach, cupping Win's erection in his palm, fingers just gently brushing his balls.
"Nng.. Bright.." Win gasped, body wiggling at the warm pressure on his dick and the teasing laps of tongue on his chest. The name went straight to Bright's groin, and he groaned, pulling back to look at his lover. In the moonlight, he could see the blush teetering across his cheekbones, the bluish purple bruise left on his neck, the saliva that shined over those pink nubs as that chest went up and down, and his own big hand cradling Win's dick. Taking a deep breath, Bright moved both of his hands to Win's sides, and gently dropped his knees to the floor board, leaning to place his forehead on Win's stomach.
"You're fucking beautiful," Bright breathed against his stomach, twirling his thumbs over Win's skin. Win's heart fluttered, and he slid a hand onto one of Bright's own.
"Look in the mirror lately?" Win said with an adoring smile. Bright flashed one of his own up at the raven before dipping down further and encasing Win's member in his mouth. Win moaned and arched, breathing deeply as his lover bobbed up and down his dick. Bright wrapped his fingers around the base, catching his own saliva as it dripped down the throbbing rod, "Bright... Bright.. mmm~!"
Still lavishing attention on the hot arousal, Bright lifted Win's legs higher and brought wettened fingers to tease Win's entrance. Win squirmed as those wet fingers traveled back and forth over his pucker, then up and over his balls to collect more saliva before Bright pushed his middle finger into the raven. Win moaned, tightening himself around that finger, sucking him in. Bright pulled up, lazily licking at the head of Win's dick, and he watched with hazy eyes as Win panted above, just before pushing another finger in and gently scissoring them. Win's insides were scorching hot and soft, readily accepting the two fingers as they delved deeper and curled.
Bright raised himself back on the seat carefully since his pants still hung on his hips, still driving his fingers in and out of Win's body, leaning his body over the raven to bring him into yet another kiss. Win's fingers clutched at the brunette's shoulders, hips rocking into the movements of Bright's hand.
"Are you ready for me?" Bright asked against his lips.
"Mhm," Win spoke quickly, diving back into the kiss. Wrapping his tongue around Win's, Bright pulled his fingers out and slipped his knees beneath Win's thighs. He used his hand to guide his dick to Win's entrance, and pushed himself inside. Win ripped his lips away from Bright's to suck in a deep breath at the feeling of being filled, and whimpered when he felt Bright's thighs hit his own, a sure sign he was fully buried. Bright panted at the searing heat sucking him in, giving a single gentle kiss to the corner of Win's mouth before grabbing at the top of the seat and rolling his hips, driving in and out of the lithe body under him. Win moaned loudly, wrapping his legs around Bright's back like a hug, trying to bring him closer, push him deeper.
"You.. feel amazing," Bright spoke in a gravely voice, laced in arousal, dropping his face into the crook of Win's neck and breathing in deeply.
"F-faster," Win moaned in response, gasping sharply when his command was immediately answered. Bright's hips snapped faster, plunging into that hole over and over. Win's whole body shook, glazed eyes noticing the windows had really fogged up. Win brought a hand to the window and ran his fingers down the damp glass, those fingers curling tightly into his palm when Bright hit that just right spot that sent white spots flying across his vision.
"I- Win," Bright panted, knowing he was near his peak, "Haah.. I love you."
Win moaned deeply as the orgasm hit him, sending streams of his own essence on his stomach and Bright's shirt. Bright followed not a second after, his hips stilling as his cum shot deep into Win. They both slumped down into the seat, sated and sweaty. Win gave his chin a little kiss and hugged the man closer to him, even if it was hot.
"I love you too," Win answered once he caught his breath.


"Ah, you're back!"
Bright and Win halted in their doorway, seeing Mike sitting on the floor close to where he'd taken a fall. From the looks of it, he still didn't look too great, holding the cloth Win had gotten for him up to his forehead.
"Er, how are you feeling?" Bright asked, he himself feeling a tad awkward talking to the guy who owned the car he and Win had just had a grand 'ol time in.
"Like shit, to be honest. I vaguely remember what happened, but I appreciate the glass of water and the washcloth, Win," Mike said, embarrassed. Win sent him a timid smile.
"No problem. Take better care of yourself next time, alright?" Win asked. Mike nodded, doing a double-take when he looked at Bright.
"What in the world did you get all over your shirt?" Mike asked. Bright's gaze fell to his shirt, to the stain, and his cheeks lit up brilliantly. In a quick movement, he pulled his blazer over the shirt. Win had to try really, really hard not to start laughing.
"It's noth-"
Bright's sentence was cut off by a knock at the door. All three looked back at the door with raised eyebrows. It was too late for people to go knocking on doors.
Win stepped forward and opened it, wanting to facepalm upon seeing Phukong and Enrique standing there looking apologetic. This was completely unfair! They had both a sick person and two lovebirds crashing in on them!
"Phukong, Enrique, yes, you can stay the night," Win announced with a huff, turning to Mike, "and you can rest here. Bright and I will be back around morning!"
With that, Win promptly grabbed Bright's shirt and hauled him back out into the night, passed a confused looking Phukong and Enrique.
"Win!" Bright exclaimed.
"I'm not done with you yet," Win promised with a grin, jiggling the car keys.

Fin ❤️

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