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"Aahn.." Win moaned, his eyelids slipping shut when a second finger entered him, sliding in and out. Feeling the dark brunette's inner walls sucking him in, Bright leaned down, hugging one leg as he hallowed his cheeks around the screaming red head, "..nng!"

Bright's gaze did not waver from Win's face, drinking in the way he was biting down on his lower lip. Hips began rocking back into his fingers, wanting more, and Bright nearly growled at the sight, feeling himself grow hard again. He dove his fingers deeper, trying to find that spot made Win's whole body shake-


Bright smirked when Win pressed a curled hand up to his mouth, chocolate eyes half-lidded and glazed over as he stared down at Bright. The taller man swallowed Win's manhood, sucking as he bobbed in time with shoving his fingers in and out of Win. His fingertips jabbed into the dark brunette's prostate with each dig, making Win shove his heels into the floor and bite down on his wrist, his moans and gasps muffled by his arm.

Win trembled as white hot pleasure shot through his body and his back arched. Bright was slightly surprised when hot liquid shot into his mouth, but he tried his best to swallow. Just a bit leaked out from the corner of his lips when he pulled back and took a deep breath of air, his tongue curiously sweeping around his mouth at the odd taste.

Win ripped his wrist away from his mouth, bringing the arm behind him to lean back against it as he collected his breathing. He watched in amusement as Bright licked at the mess on the corner of his mouth curiously.

Then those brown eyes focused on him again, and a small smile decorated the brunette's lips.

"I was able to get you off with my mouth," Bright stated smugly. Win's amusement rose at how proud the man sounded about that.

"Because you totally cheated," Win retorted, making Bright frown. Win looked down at his spread robe, chuckling when he saw a few white stains on the fabric, "And you couldn't swallow it all."

Bright's face flushed when he looked at the material. Well that was embarrassing. Maybe he'd just leave some extra money and slip out tomorrow morning before that was noticed.

"You liked it," Bright responded, a bit miffed at the ungrateful attitude.

"I did," Win answered without hesitation, correcting his robe and crawling across the floor to reach the neglected grapes. Bright snorted at the move.

Oh sure, he ate the grapes now.

Win crawled back to him, taking Bright by surprise by crawling in his lap and resting his head on Bright's chest. Win was never one to cuddle. He always made a point to sleep on his side of the bed, with no flushed-together contact unless they were sexually active.

Regardless, Bright parted his legs to make room and loosely threw his arms around Win's waist.

"So," Win began, rolling a grape between his fingers, "Are you going to work tomorrow?"

"... yeah."

"Hm," Win murmured, nibbling on the grape, "Can we get more blue crab before we leave?"

Bright promptly shoved Win off his lap.

"Getting all cuddly when you want something, hm?" Bright asked dryly.

Win just grinned and watched Bright stand up, saying something about using the restroom. Win tossed another grape in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully.

'What if I just want to be close to you?' Win thought, feeling his chest throb. Maybe... possibly... he had a little crush.

Just a little one.

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