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Warning: some non-consent content is included in this chapter.

Always straight-to-the-point, this woman was.

"I was surprised to hear it too, when I was just informed about it less than an hour ago," Bright replied, glancing at her pointedly. Her eyebrows rose before a short laugh escaped her.

"I won't ask anymore. Somehow it makes sense," Nevvy replied, before sighing, "Though it is a bit disheartening. You're twenty-four and not getting any younger."

"Are you calling me old?" Bright jested, stopping when the young woman chose to take a seat on a rock hedge. Bright briefly worried about her kimono getting dirtied, but had no time to voice the concern before Nevvy replied.

"I am only saying," Nevvy replied, patting the spot next to her. Bright took the hint and sat down, "that you should look into the prospect of marriage a little more before it's too late."

"I'm practically married to my work."

Nevvy chuckled.

"Your work will not be waiting for you at the end of the day with a freshly cooked meal and a warm welcome, nor will it provide heirs," Nevvy stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Bright's grin was nostalgic.

"Yeah. I've realized that," Bright muttered.

Nevvy's eyebrows furrowed.

"... Bright, do you by chance already have someone who has caught your fancy?"

Bright glanced at her with a rather unreadable expression before he turned away, leaning backward with the support of his hands.

"Not sure about 'caught my fancy', but... someone... interesting," Bright replied, looking contemplative.

Nevvy's gaze slid to her lap.

"Can I assume your father doesn't like her? Considering he set this up."

Bright flashed her a smile.

"It's a bit more complicated than that, but you're pretty sharp," Bright commented.

A dull ache settled in Nevvy's chest. It was strange to still feel immensely proud of a little compliment when the man she had always liked most was proclaiming he had another. And after her hopes had raised when the message of this arranged date had reached her.

Petty things, emotions were.

"I am the first-born child of Weeraya after all," Nevvy replied, hiding her feelings behind a soft smile as she boasted her family name, "Though I am rather curious what kind of girl managed to capture the heart of the likes of you."

A blush raced across Bright's features.

"It isn't that-" Bright started, looking confused about how to continue the conversation, "I just said interesting. Where did this 'capture the heart of' thing come into play?"

"You're blushing an awful lot over someone 'interesting'," Nevvy observed, and despite the situation, found it comical when the blush darkened, "So why doesn't your father like her? I suppose he seems like a tough nut to crack."

Bright snorted.

"You don't even know the half of it," Bright replied dryly.

"You can always marry me and not deal with the mess."

Bright suddenly looked troubled.


"Say no more!" Nevvy exclaimed, holding up a hand. She then stood, brushing off the back of her kimono and turning to Bright with reassuring eyes, "It's done. From now on, you are simply a guest here at my home. And as your host, I would love for you to stay for lunch. We were already preparing quite a feast anyway."

such a beauty and a mess Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant