Journey over Destination

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I love all your comments so much, they're so inspiring to keep going! thank you my fellow brightwins ('▽`)

Slowly slipping away from slumber, Bright opened his bleary eyes. The room was quiet and filled with the dim light of morning, the bed suddenly terribly comfortable. Why did beds seem so damn heavenly after you wake up?

He was just about to let his eyelids slip closed again until he realized something was missing.

Something with gorgeous coffee eyes and a snarky attitude.

Bright sat up, looking around the room in a rush.

No sign of the raven, but all the clothes he had bought still hung in the open closet. That wasn't enough calm the brunette, however.

'He wouldn't just... leave, would he?' Bright thought and, in a panic, shot off the bed and took wide steps out into the living room.

Because he very well could have left. He'd gotten his money, hadn't he?

Bright really didn't want to believe that. Win promised to stay, at least for today!

... well, he'd never really promised, per say...

Bright's lips thinned as he glanced around the living room.

The door to the balcony was open.

Taking a deep breath, Bright walked over to it. His body deflated the moment he laid eyes on Win leaning against the banister outside.

'Jeez...' Bright thought brazenly, crossing his arms tightly. He willed himself to calm down. If Win had run off, it really wouldn't have been a big surprise. That brief money exchange last night cut the last chain holding him here.

If he had gone to his parent's house, or even back to Green's, it wouldn't be a big deal.


Win turned around at that moment, noticing his presence.

"Good morning, Brightly~" Win spoke with smiling eyes.

With a suddenly heavy chest, Bright returned the greeting, though his thoughts continued to stray.

Was that going to be the last 'good morning' he'd hear from the raven? ... no, no, what was he thinking? It was silly, acting like Win was going to walk off the face of the earth. He'd be right in this very town! They could even meet up if they ever wanted and... hang out... or something.


Bright wasn't sure if that was all he wanted from the raven. But that-

"Soooo, where are we going?"

Blinking, Bright realized Win was standing right in front of him. Wow, had he really zoned out like that?

Well, at least that meant Win wasn't going to try to pull another plead for him to walk out on the balcony. He didn't want to go for a repeat of that, unless he could rewind time and go for that kiss just a little earlier...

Bright hid his thoughts as he turned toward the kitchen, speaking over his shoulder.

"Well, have you eaten yet?" Bright asked.

"Nope! Didn't know when you were taking me to get blue crab," Win reminded, opting to leave the balcony door wide open as he trailed inside behind Bright.

"It's nine in the morning. That isn't usually for breakfast," Bright replied with a grin, getting himself another glass of milk.

"It should be," Win replied, eying the white liquid in Bright's glass, "You know, I'm almost surprised you don't put sugar in that."

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