We're High

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"Is the couch comfy?" Win asked, leaning back on his feet when Bright sat properly, balls of his feet hitting the carpet. Win made himself comfortable again, crossing his arms over Bright's knees and resting his chin on them.

"It's fine," Bright assured with a yawn, "... so how'd it go?"

"Oh I had a blast," Win said sarcastically, waiting a beat before continuing, "You didn't have to do this, you know."

"Didn't have to. Wanted to."

Win smiled.

"How long has it been since you saw your brother? Should I go track him down for you?"

Bright's chest rumbled with laughter.

"Phukong would be a little harder to get to, being famous and all."

"Mmm... that's true," Win spoke thoughtfully, turning his head to rest his cheek on his arms, "I know I already said this, but thank you."

Bright's fingers softly threaded through raven locks, the touch soothing enough to make Win close his eyes in contentment.

"I'm glad I got to meet your sisters myself. They're... interesting."

"Gotta love them, hm?" Win chuckled.

The fingers in Win's hair stilled.

"Win... are you really going to go back to there?"

Bright sat in silence after his question, waiting. He could feel Win's rhythmical breath against his knees. That same rhythmic pattern was broken when Win inhaled deeply and sighed against his leg before tossing his head back to look up at Bright.

"I thought all the questioning was over with," Win said dramatically. Bright's expression melted into guilt as Win stood from the floor. He flung his arms above his head and stretched them to the ceiling, bobbing to one side before letting his arms drop, "Really, I just got out of this room some hours ago and it's already getting stuffy again."

"I'm sorry," Bright said, rising from the couch when he saw Win heading for the balcony doors.

Win sighed, perching his hands on the concrete and looking at the window lights from all the buildings around him.

"... I don't know," Win answered truthfully, staring at the skyline until he shrugged and turned his eyes to Bright, "What do you think I should do?"

He knew the man would not suggest to go back to Green's.

He was nearly one-hundred percent sure Bright would mention something about reconciling with his family.

Some nonsensical, dream-like fantasy wanted to hear, "Stay with me."

However, he was wrong on all three accounts.

"I think you should come back inside," Win blinked and then remembered the brunette's absurd little fear of heights.

A grin stretched his cheeks apart.

"I will protect you!" Win spoke daringly, leaning his hand forward.

Bright fidgeted, let out a shaky breath and took slow steps until he took Win's hand. Now at his destination, he made the mistake of letting his eyes stray. Seeing the lights of the buildings and homes below, and how small they were, another wave of fear hit him.

Win was a little startled when Bright suddenly wrapped his arms around the raven.

"I'm not looking down," Bright grumbled into the cloth.

Win's laughter was loud and mirthful as he wrapped his arms around Bright's shoulders, practically hugging the taller man's head.

"That kind of defeats the purpose," Win replied, twirling the brunette hair between his fingers, "But since you came out here, I'll back down."

Bright snorted, still tense and too afraid to open his eyes.

Win smiled and leaned his chin carefully on Bright's head, hands softly rubbing at his scalp in soothing patterns. Bright slumped against Win, the rhythmic pressure against his head and warmth of Win's body making him more sleepy than aware of his surroundings.

"... you're missing a great view, you know," Win spoke lowly after a while.

"I'm fine with that," Bright whispered. He felt Win's hands go to either side of his head and gently tug backwards. Bright held onto him tighter, "No."

"If you don't want to look down, then look up," Win suggested, tugging on the hair again. After a moment of hesitation, Bright tilted his head back. Win himself was looking up, and Bright followed his gaze to the mass of twinkling stars overhead.

But... he found himself looking straight ahead at the man in his arms instead.

How did one man give him that extra boost of courage he'd been begging for all his life?

One man who would be out of his life in mere days.


Eyes meeting, he could not define the feeling. Bright leaned forward in the slightest bit, just to test. Win didn't move. He stared back with wide, curious eyes.

Bright held his breath as he tilted his head and leaned in.


Both men tensed and leaned away from each other, looking toward the door leading Ice's voice had sounded.

It appeared that Bright had just remembered where exactly he was and that he no longer had his lifeline to cling to. The tips of the brunette's ears were pink. "Er... I'm going back to sleep," Bright spoke, taking a few wobbly steps before dashing inside the hotel room. Ming and Ice watched him curiously.

Proof that that had really just happened and...

Irritation seeped into his bones. Win immediately missed his presence. With a conflicted sigh, he pushed himself away from the railing. "You were asleep," Win replied with a shrug.

Ming observed him closely, with a small frown on her lips.

"Let's go to bed," Win spoke, tossing an arm around their shoulders.

Bright, already lying on the couch again, listening to their footsteps until the bedroom door was shut. He rolled on his back and tossed one arm over his still-burning forehead.

'What am I doing...?'

Bright didn't get much sleep that night, his thoughts preoccupied with the man that slept not thirty feet away from him.

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