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Amity hears the familiar sound of her alarm as she wakes. Reaching to stop it, she yawns. "Holy titan I didn't sleep well. Still can't believe I did that."

"Mmf. I am so tired. Hope I can find some coffee, if my dad didn't get to it first" she muses, walking toward the expansive kitchen.

"Good morning mittens!" Edric says, holding a coffee pot and mug. "Saved ya some. Figured you'd be up late... Thinking.. yeah, let's go with that." He gives a coy smile, pouring Amity a cup of coffee.

"Okay, Edric, first off, thank you for the coffee, second.. how'd you know about that?" She says, appreciative, but apprehensive, taking the coffee

"Mittens, after watching you crush on this girl since she got here, I've figured out when to pay attention. Plus, Emira is studying illusion magic, you know this. Watching stuff, is like, her thing, besides being a pain in the ass, of course." He says, laughing at his own joke

"Where is she, anyways?" Amity asks, sipping her coffee.
"Oh who knows. Disappearing is also her this. Both literally, and figuritively." Edric shrugs

"Hey, I've got a shift in about an hour or so at the library, and, as awful as you are sometimes... Got any advice if... Well, when, Luz turns up?" Amity asks, somewhat embarrassed to ask for help.

Edric laughs a bit before replying. "Is this even really a question? Go talk to her! You're not gonna get the girl by playing coy you know."

"..." Amity turns bright red at the thought. "I can't do that! She's.. I'm... Er...." She stops and takes a breath. "Okay. I'm gonna try."

Edric flashes a grin before grabbing his phone and snapping a picture of amity's bright red face. "Hey!-"
"That one is going straight to the scrapbook." He says, ignoring her protests and leaving the kitchen.

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