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Jisoo's POV

It's Saturday morning and I'm here in the kitchen preparing myself a breakfast. It's just me because Grandpa is already in the diner. Much customers came and dine in if it's weekend.

As I eat my breakfast, my phone chime so I look who texted me. I smile instantly upon seeing the name of the person.

Rosé: Good morning, are you busy today?

Me: Nope. Why?

Rosé: I was wondering if you up for ice skating?

Me: Sure, why not.

Rose: Really? Great! Let's meet at your Diner.

Me: Okay.

After I sent that, I finished my breakfast and take a bath. This actually the first time we're going out and although I have no expectation, I can't help but to feel giddy inside.

Once I'm decent, I grab my helmet and went to my bike then started to ride off. I'm heading to the diner. Our diner is not that far from our house, maybe 20 minutes drive.

I arrived so then I park my bike. I entered our diner and saw Grandpa standing behind the counter.

"Grandpa." I stated that while walking towards him.

"You're early Jisoo." He said.

"I can't help you this morning and maybe at lunch too because I have somewhere to go to." He look at me for a moment before nodding his head with a smile.

"Do you have a date?" He tease. "What no. It's just a friendly go out." I reason out defensively.

"Alright if you say so. Have fun with your 'friendly go out'." He teasingly added. I'm about to say something for my defense when I heard Rosé speak.

"Jisoo." I turn my head to face the most beautiful woman in my eyes wearing a simple casual clothes yet she looks stunning.

She walked towards me and stop to say hi to my grandfather. "Grandpa this is Rosé, Rosé this is my Grandpa." I introduced. After they said their pleasantries, we bid goodbye to him.

I saw her car so I asked for her key. "I'll drive." I said because she gave me a questioning eyes. She didn't argue abd just give me her key.

"I didn't know you know how to drive." She commented while I'm driving. I glance at her for a second then back to the road.

"I learned when I was 16. Grandpa taught me how to drive so I'll be his driver if we get loads of groceries or he needs to go to the hospital for his check up." I replied. She didn't say anything afterwards so we just enjoy the peaceful and comfortable drive.


We're now putting the ice skating shoes and prepare ourselves to enter the ice skating floor. After we put our shoes on, we started to walk and Rosé tighten her grip to my hands that cause me to look at her.

"Are you okay?" She look bothered and nervous. She nod her head and smile but I think it's fake.

I step on the ice floor first and look at her. It's your first time, isn't it?" I simply asked. She divert her eyes from me then nod her head like a baby.

"You invited me for an ice skate but you don't know how to? What if I don't know too?" I tease her and I can see the red tinted color appears on her cheeks.

She look at me and playfully rolled her eyes. "I know you know how to skate that's why I invited you."

"How are you so sure?" I asked.

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