"Don't worry, I will," I assured.

"Good, because my older sister, Petunia, isn't the best company," Lily sighed.

"How so?" Mary questioned.

"She's not really the fun type," Lily answered, rolling her eyes.

"You want to know who is the fun type?" I asked as I turned to Lily.

"If you say James, I will leave and eat with Moaning Myrtle."

"Oh, please, Myrtle can't be that bad," I responded. "But yes, I was going to say James."

Lily sighed, clearly annoyed by the mention of his name. "Listen, by "fun type", I do not mean immature."

"Have you even talked to the boy before?" Mary asked, helplessly.

"Countless of times," Lily said, crossing her arms and fixing her posture.

"We mean a real conversation. Not just him flirting and you rejecting or scolding," I emphasized.

"No," Lily answered, hesitantly and slowly. "But what would we have in common anyway?"

"You'd have to find that out for yourself," I shrugged.

"I think I'm okay," Lily smiled, proceeding to enjoy her breakfast as I looked around the Great Hall.

"Look who's here," I smirked as I witness the Marauders entering the Great Hall.

"If I look, I'll lose my appetite," Lily responded, not looking up from her meal.

"Whatever, James is strutting over here right now anyway," Mary replied. James had sat across from us, and placed his hands on the table.

"Mornin' Evans," James smiled as he winked.

"What do you want?" Lily groaned.


Lily scoffed and stood up to leave. "I've suddenly lost my appetite."

"Oh come on, Lily," Mary and I sighed.

"I'll see you two in the dorm when it's time to go," she responded and exited the Great Hall.

I turned to James and smiled.
"You're bold, Potter."

"I know. It's one of my favorite qualities." He proudly smirked. "Are you excited for the break?"

"How can I not be? I mean your parents sound amazing and I can't wait to see how you guys act together when you're not at Hogwarts."

"We're not so different, but I try to be more behaved around the parentals."

"Ohh, so only 2 pranks a day instead of 27?" Mary joked.

"Nah, Mum knows us too well. She knows every prank we have planned, it's terrifying."

"Have you ever been to the no-maj town?" I asked James.

"Not yet," he shook his head.

"We should go then. I can show you loads of no-maj things!"

"Yes, yes!" Sirius joined the conversation. "We should definitely go!"

"I thought you lot already planned to go," Mary questioned.

"It wasn't official," Sirius responded.

"But I guess we're going," James said.

"Yes!" Sirius and I said in unison, high-fiving each other.

Regulus's pov

I saw (y/n) and Sirius high five each other in the Great Hall. They must be excited for the break. I wish I could relate.

One of a Kind {Regulus Black x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now