Florence smiled. "No, it's not." She softly shook her head. "I do not condone my behavior."

Liljia tilted her head, furrowing her brows. "Don't tell me you're already tired?" Then quickly shot her attention back to a female plunging towards her. She pranced forward, using her armored forearm to block the sword as she launched her sword forward into the female's heart.

The Goddess shook her head, her starlight curls braided away from her face. Though, shorter strands still managed to escape. "No, not exhausted." She glanced down to her injured stomach that was more than halfway healed.

General Liljia's jaw gaped open as her eyes slightly widened. "You can't just injure yourself."

Florence let out a loud, hysterical laugh, throwing her head backwards as she still tried to catch her breath. It was difficult when she had a small hole in her stomach with blood seeping from it. "I can. I won't die."

A male caught Florence's eyes. He was heading for her.

She inhaled deeply, quickly glancing at the Arae General, nodding, before flinging herself towards the male. He took this opportunity to quickly lunge his sword forward. Unfortunately for him Florence was quicker due to her being Divine. She caught the sword in hand and used it as momentum to plunge herself closer to him. The sword's blade slightly cut her hand causing blood to escape.

The male, clearly confused, furrowed his eyes for a second before returning back to reality. Florence caught sight of another blade, a dagger this time, sheathed in his armor. She quickly took a hold of it before ramming the dagger into his throat.

Florence left as she heard the male struggling to breathe, choking on his own blood.

"Brutal." General Liljia sighed before turning her attention away to another.

And for what felt like hours, Florence made her way through the army, killing many, and letting many harm her. Though she didn't feel anything when she was killed, she still didn't like it. She could feel them leave. Their souls lifting from their body. It sent shivers down her spine.

Perhaps it was bad to be near death when she controlled it.

Florence took another jab at the male in front of her before moving past him. She was so close to Koschei. She wouldn't give up now.

But she had let so many slice her, her body hurt. She was exhausted. So for a second, she stood there with her eyes closed, wiping the blood and sweat away from her face. Florence sighed before taking another deep breath.

By now, there was a small group heading towards her. A group of three. She could take them on. She had to.

But she was just exhausted.

So the Goddess took a step forward, lashing her arm across her body. In a blink, the small group of three lay dead. She killed them with her powers.

Of course, she could have killed them all with her powers, but that would exhaust her powers out and she'd be unable to kill Koschei. And his army had been bigger than they expected.

Fortunately for Florence, none of the Courts arrived. She prayed to the Cauldron-to the Mother, that they won't.

Taking a few quick steps forward, she whipped both of her arms across her body, pulling both blades from earlier, into her hands. She couldn't wait any longer. She wanted the war over with. She refused to watch anymore Arae fall.

With that as her last thought, she sprinted forward, slashing any and all Fae across the neck, ensuring they'd die. The deaths were quick and easy. It'd leave none suffering. At least it should leave none suffering.

A Court Of Life And DeathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin