Chapter 2

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"GET HIM!" Adam yelled out. Then Mars and Emily swung at the plauge doctor at the same time. The hits directly hit the doctor in the chest. 049 Was knocked back, and he almost fell on the floor.

"You... stop resisting the cure. This is the only way." The doctor said and then a horde of zombies enter the room as 049 waits outside.

"Expected. And with the right amount of force the entirety of your zombies would all fall like dominos." Adam said. Mars then reached behind his back and took out a large sledge hammer that had electrified streaks running across it.

"HERE IT GOES!" Mars yelled out and he swings the hammer and hits the horde of zombies. The hit produced a wave that pushed back the horde with one hit across the room and made their body parts explode spontaneously and catch on fire. We all looked amazingly at the power he had used.

"This... wasnt a part of the plan. But it'll work." Adam said.

"The pestilence is making you more corrupt slowly. I have to cure it." 049 Said and he reached out towards Mars. Mars eyes then ignited into fury. I could tell he was mad, but I've never seen him this mad.

"YOU WILL NEVER KILL US!" Mars swung at 049. 049 Dodged as Mars kept swinging rapidly at him.

"You have gotten much stronger. I can sense that you are more corrupted by the pestilence than before. But now I must-" 049 Then stopped talking as Mars hit him with a swing. 049 Was then sent through multiple walls. It all felt unreal. Seeing Mars standing there, fighting an scp himself. With such power too. He was insanely mad, I could tell by his eyes. But at the same time he was determined to save us all. 049 Was launched through the walls and was immediately knocked out- surprisingly. We've never seen 049 show any signs of pain, weakness, fear, anger, or major injury. This was the first time. I looked over and saw Mars sleeves burned and steam exerting his body. Daniela quickly ran toward Mars. She put her hand over his heart.

"Mars! Is he... is he okay? Please tell me." Veronica said, worryingly.

"His heart is beating rapidly, his body is strangely hot and theres scars on his hands. But no major injuries." Daniela said. Then suddenly Mars opened his eyes. He then reached his hand out towards the ceiling.

"Win. We must win. I dont know what happen right there, but it helped us. We must win. And quickly." He said. Then a group of MTF showed up and apprehended 049. We quickly ran from the group in panic. Panic that they do not question us nor harm us.

"Mars, what happen right there?" Yousef asked as we ran.

"I dont know, I was angry then suddenly I felt the sledge hammer weigh become heavier and I saw that my hand was covered in electricity. Then I began swinging to protect you guys. And then it happen. The second I hit the first swing I almost felt the knockback knock me out. Then the last swing and I was knocked out, but I recovered quickly from it somehow." He then looked at his hand and saw lightning streaks on it.

"It reminds me of how Doctor also gained powers too. A near death experience and with having a duty to defeat something. It's almost too similar..." Emily said. Then we opened the door and saw it. The light containment zone. Here things would get more dangerous. The second we opened the door we saw it. A man on the floor with him looking at us. His uniform was on the wrong way and was the opposite side. That's when we realised. His neck was turned towards us.

"... What the fuck? Is 173 here?" Veronica said. Then another door and saw it there. 173 Stood in front of the door. Veronica immediately fell back by its presence.

"Don't avoid eye contact! And call out when you blink..." Yousef said as we backed away from 173. Suddenly the lights turned off. Then they went back on. 173 Stood in front of my face at that moment. I felt like my heart skipped a beat and stopped for a second, as I saw its face close to my face. Then suddenly we heard loud footsteps coming from the other room. Followed by a sudden scream and then gunshot sounds. Then we heard sounds of... bones and flesh being ripped apart. Then the screams stopped. The footsteps then approached us.

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