the carnival pt.2

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As we got off the ride Ham was throwing up his leftover corn dog from earlier.

My mood was alot better now that we did some rides.

"What now?" Squints asks.

"I'm hungry" Ham says from behind us wiping his mouth.

"Course you are you just threw up the past hours worth of food" Kenny states the obvious.

I laugh and shrug "I'm hungry too"

"It's settled we have to get food now" Ham says patting my shoulder.

"Fine" Benny says and we begin our walk over.

On the way I see a kissing booth and. Wendy?

I nudge squints "take a right". He looks over and his eyes widen as huge as saucers.

He begins running full force towards the kissing booth causing us to run after him.

"Y/n what did you do?" Yeah yeah asks.

I start laughing so hard tears fog my my vision. "Wendy's at the kissing booth and I showed squints"

"Y/n you idiot!" Kenny screamed causing me to collapse do to laughter.

People were now giving me strange looks. Yeah yeah stops to look back at me and shakes his head at me before going to squints.

While they were prying squints away from Wendy he lets out a "I love you" before getting carried away. Literally.

Kenny kneals down beside my still laughing/crying figure. He pulls me up by my arms and drags me to the group.

I'm still laughing historically at the scenes happening. You see, when I start laughing it takes me a while to stop.

I'm begin clapping and shaking my head as I see squints still staring at Wendy with tears in his eyes and Wendy staring at me in horror.

She walks over and while squints passes out the rest of the boys turn pink.

"Hi y/n!" She says and the boys avert their attention to me.

"I-can't-with-life-" I cry and Kenny struggles to hold me up. "Wendy! HELPP" I laugh clapping.

"What's wrong with her..." Yeah yeah trails off.

"Oh at the mall, she did this when she saw some kid fall down the escalator. It's kinda normal for her" Wendy reassures.

As she mentions that memory I start laughing all over again.

"That-was-fucking-hilarious" I say and at this point Kenny drops me on my back.

"Good job Wendy you made squints pass out and y/n laugh!" Yeah Yeah says.

Wendy puts her hands up in defence before saying bye.

"I better have abs in the morning, I laughed so much" I say still laughing a little.

After I wind down some, I stead of being the hyper girl we all know and love me as. I got tired and could barely keep my eyes open.

"Hey we have time for one more ride" Benny says looking at me in concern.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel!" Timmy suggests and Tommy repeats.

"Ok let's go then" Benny says and we walk over.

"We have to split up" Benny says "only five on one. It says" Benny reads the sign.

Once we establish that we get in. Sitting down made me tired. I blink trying to stay awake but failed a little.

I look out the window and we get higher up. You could see our neighborhood and the sandlot from here. We were on the top of the world.

I close my eyes and I was out like a light.

Benny's pov

"Hey uh is y/n asleep?" Kenny asks and I look over to see her passed out on my shoulder.

"I guess" I reply quietly trying not to wake her.

"Should we wake her?" He asks again.

I look down at her peacefully sleeping "no"

The rest of the ride was quiet. All you could hear was her light breathing.

Once it stopped Kenny grabs her arms to pull her up and I grab her bridal style.

She was very light so I could get around pretty easily.

"What happened to her?" Yeah yeah asks venom in his voice.

"Probably a sugar low of something. Shes out" I say hoisting her up a little as she was falling.

"She looks so graceful so sweet" Timmy mutters.

"Graceful, sweet" Tommy repeats stroking her hair and Tommy smacking his hand.

"What are you gonna do with her?" Bertram asks.

"Take her home of course" I say as if it were obvious.

As I knock on her front door her mom answers.

"What happened" she asks, concern lacing her voice.

"Oh nothing. She got tired and feel asleep at the fair. Thought I'd take her home" I say and shrug handing her to her mother.

"How sweet of you. What's your name?" She asks.

"Benjamin" I say my full name.

She smiles and nods "thank you Benjamin. Good night now" she says and closes the door.

I smile for a second before walking home.

I can see why yeah yeah likes her

★ Sexist Much?: Enemies to lovers★Where stories live. Discover now