Wendy peffercorn...

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June 11th, 1961

It was one of the hottest days of Utah. Me and the rest of the boys say in the dugout taking our third breather in the past two hours.

"Benny man, it's to hot one of us is gonna get heat stroke" Kenny says fanning himself with his hat.

A few mutters of agreement go around our group.

"You all seem fine" Benny says. Little did he know I'm on the edge of passing out.

"Please" I plead and Benny looks at me, his eyes soften. "Fine"

"Well what do we do for the rest of the day then?" I ask.

Yeah yeah whispers to Ham, who whispers, to Timmy, Tommy, Bertram, squints, and Kenny.

"Scam pool honeys!!" they scream and I groan. Boys scare me.

It's a good thing I have self confidence, because any insecure person would easily feel scared by them.

"Y/n you coming?" Kenny asks.

I nod "yeah" and get up before running out of the sandlot with him.

We run down the street and past squints,hams, and yeah yeahs house. I see yeah yeahs room window and I take a glance. Hes going through his drawers and he takes a glance out his window so I look away.

Yeah yeahs pov

I grab a t shirt to wear over my bathing suit and throw it on my bed. I look out my window briefly but then look back.

I go up to the window seal and look out. I see y/n running with Kenny. They seemed to be laughing about something because I could see a bright smile plastered on y/n's face.

Her her y/h/c hair flowing in the breeze (sorry if you have short hair). Kenny slows down to walk to his house and it leaves y/n to walk to hers.

Y/n pov

Your outfit ^^

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Your outfit ^^

I grab a beautiful blue one piece with lace white flowers on it, to cover it u grab a tank top, turtle neck that's like towel material, and some jean shorts.

I get dressed quickly and put my hair in two braids so it doesn't knot up.

I open my front door and see both Benny and Kenny walking up to my door.

"Right on time" Kenny says.

"I'm good like that" I reply smirking.

We run down to the pool the rest joining us on the way. We walk past the opening gate to reveal half naked girls sitting out, muscular boys with fake tans, and middle aged moms' looking after their kids.

"Look at the girls" Ham swoons pointing at the ladies in their late teens.

I shudder as all the boys point out the girls every...move.

"Guys cmon" Benny says motioning for us to actually do more than look at girls. Well...the boys.

The all jump in while I go into the girls locker rooms to change.

"Hi there" a girl says

"Hi" I wave awkwardly, girls usually don't talk to me much.

"I'm Wendy" she says sticking her hand out.

"I'm y/n" I awkardly smile shaking her hand.

"So you here with anyone?" She asks.

"Yeah my friends...who are boys" why would I mention they were boys? Dang it y/n..

"Oh that must be fun!" She says

I shrug "I guess"

"Well do you want to tan or something? I don't really have friends here" she says.

I smile and sigh of relief. I'm not really into talking about how hot girls are when...your kinda a girl.

"Yes please honestly" I reply.

I take off my turtle neck and shorts revealing my bathing suit. Wendy is wearing a light pink one with yellow flowers.

"How old are you?" She asks me.

"12 years old" I reply.

"Oh ok I'm 14" (pretend she's younger so it kinda works out).

We walk out and sit down together.

"Next year I'm going to test to see if I can be a lifeguard" Wendy says.

I nod "that seems pretty cool. You like swimming?" I ask her.

"Yeah I kind of always loved it. And plus it'll look good on my college records" she says.

She seems so cool and nice.

"I'm not really eligible to do any of that..and plus I'm only in 6th grade. Well, going into 7th." I tell her.

"I'm going into my freshman year of highschool" she says.

Yeah yeahs pov

I look around and I don't see y/n.

"Guys where's y/n?" I ask them.

"Why do you care?" Benny asks.

"Yeah I thought you didn't like her" Kenny agrees.

"No I didn't say I didn't like her...I uh" I tried to think of an excuse.

"Besides...shes over there talking to Wendy" Benny says pointing y/n and Wendy talking.

"WENDY?" squints says trying to navigate through the shallow end as he couldn't swim.

"Yeah and y/n" Kenny says.

I hear her familiar little laugh and I see both her and Wendy whispering. God she's so annoying.

"Should we call them over?" Kenny asks.


"No" I mutter.

Y/n and Wendy look over at us and start giggling about girl stuff.

Y/n waves to us before getting up to leave with Wendy.

God the stuff she does to me..

★ Sexist Much?: Enemies to lovers★Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora