Maybe he just likes you.

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July 13, 1961

As soon as I leave my house Benny runs up
to me.

"Hey y/n!" Hey says. "So update! You can come to the sandlot now" he says.

"Well I was gonna go anyway" I tell him holding up my glove.

"Ok good because we have it all sorted and out and the boys don't hate you anymore" he says smiling big.

I smile back awkwardly "k".

We walk in silence that may have been comfortable for him, but uncomfortable for me. He kept glancing at me, then smiling like a psycho. He's never like this, what happened while I was gone?

Once we arrive all heads turn towards me.

"Oh y/n we are sorry it was a misunderstanding"

"Yeah we forgive you"

"It's ok it happens"

I blink in confusion "what?"

"We got mad at you cause we thought you ditched us" Ham says.


"Yeah because you were at the mall and stuff" Squints continues.

"Yeah you guys arent my only friends. I can hang out with whoever wherever." I tell them, that wasn't completely true. The only other friend I had was Wendy and I never really went places.

"Yeah we know and also that Yeah yeah has someth-" Yeah yeah smacks the back of Hand head.

"I don't have anything to say or do or think with you so be quiet Ham" he snaps at Ham and covers his mouth.

The boys share a giggle and look around at eachother while smug looks. I raise my eyebrow in curiosity.

"Yeah. Uh, well...we have ball to play so.." he trails off awkwardly.

I walk next to Kenny to our spots.

"Why are Benny and Yeah yeah being weird?" I ask.

"Can't tell. Yeah yeah blackmailed me" he says shrugging.

"Ok so it's clearly a secret" I say stating the obvious.

"Yeah we just have to wait for him to tell you I guess. But that might take a while, he's good at keeping secrets and grudges." Kenny states.

Secrets and Grudges? Ok...but he was being nice to me yesterday so I'm not sure I get it but ok. Maybe I can ask my mom she usually knows what to do, or can atleast help me out.

The rest of the day seemed fine. We played normally, Yeah yeah was his usual asshole that he was. Benny seemed to glare a little at Yeah Yeah. Since Benny was my best friend, whatever secret Yeah Yeah was hiding is probably bad. Benny seemed as if he were always around me, looking around for Yeah yeah. Was yeah yeah gonna prank me? Or did he say something to someone? It's endless with him, he's always up to something.

It was as if he was so nice during the fourth of July and yesterday but now he's being mean. What's going on?

And that's exactly what I asked my mom.

"Well maybe he just likes you" she says.

"Yeah yeah or Benny?" I ask in disbelief.

"Maybe both, maybe the reason Benny glared at yeah yeah or whatever his name was, was because he's mad." She says.

"But yeah yeah doesn't like me, fact he's my enemy!" I scream putting me head in my hands "I don't believe you. Your wrong"

"Well if you don't believe me then I can't help you. That's it" she says getting up and going to her bedroom.

She always helps, moms always right! But this can't be right. I cant imagine it! Yeah yeah doesn't like me, simple as that. Benny? Sure he can, but not yeah yeah. Never yeah yeah in a thousand years.

I can't believe it!

Sorry this chapter is short but it's just kinda a filler chapter. You probably excepted more I know...but fun stuff is coming up in the book!

Stay tuned.

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