Baseball in the rain

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Your outfit ^^^

June 8th, 1961

This morning I woke up to the rain patterning against my window. I look out and see a raging thunderstorm. I sigh because that means we can't play today but I guess I'll find something to do. I take out a green button down shirt with chevron, a turtle neck with what seems to be flowers on it, and simple green shorts.

It's funny how good I dress indoors but the second I step outside it's like I never seem to care.

I walk into the kitchen to a cake sitting on the counter. It was chocolate with caramel dripping down the side. Jordan was already devouring three pieces at the dinner table and my mom was eating a slice.

"Can I have one?" I ask her hoping she says yes.

She nods.

"What's the occasion?" I ask her.

She points at the window "oh well..rainy day" and takes another bite.

My dad was nowhere to be found so I sigh and take a piece. I take a bite of my piece before the doorbell rings.

I groan dropping my fork and walking to the door. I open it and Benny is there.

"Hi" I say leaning on the door frame.

"Hi uh since it's raining we can't play at the the gang is watching movies at Squint's house" Benny explains "so I want you to come" he says.

I nod "let me ask"

"Mom can I hang out with friends?"

"Will you clean your plate?" She asks

"No it's ok I'll eat the rest and I'll put it away" Jordan says.

"Ok...yes!" She screams back.

"Yes, give me a sec" I say running to my room.

I put on my old p.f flyers as it was raining outside. I grab two hair ties and put them on my wrist.

I run back to the front door.

"Ready" I say jumping out and closing the door.

"Ok" he says pulling out an umbrella.

"Oh I didn't even think of bringing on" I state actually forgetting it was raining.

"It's cool" he says putting it over both of us.

We run down the street and turn the corner. Squints' residence coming into view.

"Why are we running?" Benny asks.

"I don't know" I say still having stamina.

"Your a fast runner" Benny compliments

"That's only because I'm trying to keep up with you" I breath out and he laughs.

We knock on the door at the same time multiple times.

"Sup guys- I mean people" Squints greets us.

"What are we watching" Benny asks.

"Creature from the blue lagoon" Squints says excitedly.

"This should be fun" I say and Benny agrees.

I sit down almost on the end next to Bertram.

The opening credits role and I look around as it was boring to eat h the credits.

Everyone looked pretty exited accept for Tommy. He looked so scared and it was very noticeable as he was hiding being Timmy.

I jump scare comes up and all of us jump. Tommy starts crying and huddles up in a ball.

"Aw man are you ok" Bertram asks Tommy and he shakes his head no.

"Should we turn it off?" Benny asks.

"No he can suck it up" Ham insists.

Tommy crawls of to the end of the couch and sits there looking miserable. He sits on the arm of the chair right next to me.

Another jump scare comes on and he jumps in my arms, causing me to sigh looking down at him. He was clutching my waist and I could feel his tears soaking my shirt.

"Can someone help because..." I trail of referring to the seven year old curled up in my arms.

Yeah yeah looks over at me, his eyes softening but he looks away as if he didn't want me to see.

Squints groans "tommy your so weak" and changes the film to Micky mouse.

Tommy then wipes his tears and gets up to sit on the floor and watch.

"Rain is so annoying" Benny says

"Why?" I ask him.

"We can't play outside" he says like it's obvious.

"Is it a rule?" I ask him smiling smugly.

"No..." He trails off.

"I have an idea! We should play in the rain!" Squints says.

"Yeah that was kinda what I was implying" I say sarcastically.

"Cmon guys sandlot in 40" Benny says and we all follow him out.

It had stopped raining by now and me and Benny were running to our houses. We were laughing for pretty much no reason.

"Hey I'll be at your house in like...10" Benny says and I nod.

"Sounds good!"

I run up to my room and grab a pair of blue jeans that had a few rips because they're old. A maroon t shirt with a white flowers on the hems, and a white and black plaid shirt that was huge on me. I put my hair in two pigtails and my hat on backward, since it wasn't sunny outside.

The doorbell rings so I grab my glove and run down the stairs. I put my old p.f flyers on from earlier and the open the door.

Neither Benny or I said anything we just ran to the Sandlot.

We were one of the first ones here other than Ham, and yeah yeah who live the closest.

Yeah yeah sighs looking at me before making a snide comment "do you guys always have to do everything together?"

"No we just live right next to eachother genius" I reply nudging him.

What's his deal? I've been here for barely over a week and he's still being mean? I guess he can really hold grudges.

Everyone else eventually arrives and we start to play.

"No sliding" Benny says and everyone nods. "Uhh yeah yeah? You bat" says handing it to yeah yeah.

"Who pitching first?" I ask Kenny.

"Probably me if we want to be out here for more than 7 throws" he says referring to my Bullet.

I nod and just take catcher.

"Don't blink" I whisper to Yeah yeah.

"Shut up would you!" He screams.

Kenny throws it and he swings and misses.

"Aw man that wasn't even my heater" Kenny says.

Yeah yeah huffs looking back at me.

"Don't let it get in your head man, I learned that years ago" I say trying to be nice. Yeah yeah looks at me and nods.

Me my throws his heater and yeah yeah swings. Hitting it over the fence!

"Yeah there we go!" Benny says clapping.

Yeah yeah glances back at me before running the bases.

Since I brought an extra ball we continued on playing.

We kept playing on and on until it got dark. Yeah yeah was being a little nicer to me after that advice, we all thought he was sick!

They next day he was back to normal though...sadly

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