Tomorrow- Chris Young (Cake)

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A/N: Here's 2 out of 3 song preference thingies I did, and I love this song so much, I suggest listening to it while you read. Thanks for reading my crap, love you guys!

'Tomorrow, I'm gonna leave here

I'm gonna let you go and walk away

Like every day I said I would'

Luke knew he had to leave Calum, he could not stand another night, lying to himself that Calum might come home tonight without any new hickeys or marks on his neck. But, of course, Calum stumbled through the door, taking his shoes off on the mat. Luke was lyingnin bed, waiting to spend his last night in Calum's arms. Cal walked into the room, undressed himself, and crawled into bed beside Luke. Calum wrapped his arms around Luke's waist, oblivious as to what tomorrow will bring.

Tomorrow came and Cal went out again. As soon as Luke heard the door close, he got up from the bed and took out the empty boxes he had ready in the closet. He put everything he ownedmin those boxes and put them in the bed of his black pick-up. He wrote a note to Calum saying that he knew about Cal fooling around with other women and how he couldn't handle it anymore.

'And tomorrow, you won't believe it

But when I pass your house

I won't stop, no matter how bad I want to'

It's been a day since Luke left Calum and moved back in with his parents. He had to pass Calum's house everyday to go to work at the corner store on Main Street. He would slowly drive his truck past Calum's house, longing to stop and walk in, but he doesn't give in. If Calum really wanted Luke, he'd have called him by now. Little did Luke know that Calum was absolutely gutted when he found and read the note on the bed. Calum didn't go out that night. He thought about how much shit he put Luke through and he doesn't blame Luke for leaving. If the roles were switched, he'd have left Luke a long time ago.

'Tomorrow, I'll be stronger

I'm not gonna break down and call you up

When my heart cries out for you'

Luke felt so weird. He wanted to call Calum and talk to him, but he knew Calum was no good for him. He just missed Calum so much and vice versa. It's been a week now and Calum has eaten at all. He just missing Luke so much. He reached for his phone and looked at all the pictures of their relationship, and Calum started to cry. This is his first time crying over Luke. For the last week, he was numb to all his feelings and all he feels now is pain, like someone stabbed him in the heart, ripping at it and tearing it to shreds. He needed Luke with him, forever.

'We're like fire and gasoline

I'm no good for you

You're no good for me

We only bring each other

Tears and sorrow'

He called Luke up and Luke ignore his calls. All of them. Calum was was broken and he noticed how much he really loved Luke, but Luke would not pick up the damn phone. Calum tried one last time and Luke was fed up with the calling, se he answered." you you want, Calum?" "You," Calum spoke so low in a whisper, Luke barely caught what he said. "And it took you a week to figure that out why?" "I was thinking about all the shit I put you through and I was scared." "Scared of what, Cal?" "Scared that you wouldn't want to be with me anymore, Luke. I know if the roles were switched, I'd have left you a long time ago." "But Cal, we're like fire and gasoline, I'm no good for you and you're no good for me. You make, and made, me cry so much when you came home with marks all over your neck that weren't from me." "I know what I did was wrong, I seen that the moment I read the last word of your note. Please come home, Luke, please," Calum pleaded. "I... I don't know, Cal."

'Baby, when were good, you know we're great

But there's too much bad for us to think

That there's anything worth trying to save'

"But, Calum, when we're good, you know we're good, but now, I don't think there's anything left worth trying to save. I'm sorry, Cal." "Luke, please," Luke heard before hanging up," I need you so much. I haven't eaten in a week, and the emotional pain, its unbearable! " "Okay." "Okay? What do you mean okay, Luke." "As in, okay, I'm coming home." "Oh god, Luke, I love you so much." "I love you too, Cal, I'll be over shortly."

As soon as Luke walked back through the door, Calum jumped from the couch where he was waiting. Luke put his boxes down and wrapped Calum in his arms. Calum's tears soaked up in Luke's shirt. "I missed you so much, Luke." "I missed you, too, Calum. Let's go lay down, babe." And they slept together for the rest of the day, wrapped in each others arms.

A/N: My fingers feel like they are gonna fall off. But I have 1 more story to put up for you guys, and its my OTP :) Thank for reading, and I'll start posting the last story. Love you guys!!


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