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Hey everyone! It's been a while but I'm back now :)... kinda. I'll try to put something out more often.

Warning: The flashback/recounting what happened part of the story can be heavy so ya...

Credits for the art goes to momo-zero

Also tysm!! Passed 1.2k reads :D







The wind hummed gently in the night sky as the moon illuminated Ochaco's room. It was a chill night at UA High School as the students slept soundly in all of their rooms, tired and exhausted from all of their training. But Ochaco was still awake. She felt cold in her bed and wished someone was there. Preferably her green-haired cinnamon roll boyfriend. As if on queue...

*knock* *knock*

All of Ochaco's thoughts were cut off as she was startled by the sudden noise.

Ochaco stretched her arms and called out, "Who's there?"

"It's me... Deku," Izuku answered from the other side.

Ochaco climbed out of her bed and walked over to the door to unlock it.

As soon as the door was unlocked, Izuku walked in, closed and locked the door, picked Ochaco up, and placed her on the bed.

Ochaco was surprised and flustered by all the sudden gestures.

"D-Deku?!" Ochaco stuttered.

Wordlessly, Izuku climbed into the bed with her and placed his head over Ochaco's chest, listening to her heart beating rapidly.

"Can you please just... hold me?" Izuku croaked as he shifted to position himself better.

Ochaco's heart melted as she smiled softly, "Of course Izu. What's the matter? Is it the nightmares again?"

    Deku nodded silently as he held onto Ochaco tightly as if letting her go would make her disappear forever.

    Ochaco caressed the soft fluffy green hair and hummed a sweet, soothing melody.

    "Do you want to talk about it?" she questioned as she rubbed his back.

    Deku once again nodded, "In a bit. I just need to calm down right now."

    Ochaco nodded as she went back to softly singing the song her mother sang at night to calm her down after nightmares.

    Deku's nightmares have been bad ever since that last mission. But despite all that, Deku had tried to stay strong. He tried to prevent it from affecting his daily life but it was getting worse and worse. The anguished scream of parents as they crawled across the ruins looking desperately for their children through the hundreds of victims sprawled across the destroyed buildings were seared into his mind. The frightened screams of children crying for their parents were all he heard all day every day since the event. The sinister look of the villain as he snapped the neck of a citizen without a second thought sent chills down his spine. Worst of all, he felt useless for not being able to do better.

    Without realizing it, tears streamed down Deku's face as he hiccuped, gasping for air.

    Ochaco reacted immediately, trying her best to calm down the love of her life as she rubbed his back.

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